14. Int. Ballroom - Afternoon

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The ballroom is lively with people walking in, noblemen, lords and ladies, even some clergy and merchants. Anyone with wealth seems to show up, ready to celebrate their beloved princess.

King Phosphorus stands at the front of them all, River off to the side through an open doorway.

King Phosphorus
Welcome one and all, fine citizens of this prosperous kingdom! I am quite happy to see so many have shown up in celebration of my daughter, the one day queen to lead you all to further prosperity.

He glances over at River with a warm smile before looking back at the crowd.

King Phosphorous
Today is a momentous day, the day she steps into womanhood. If any of you know, her birthday has not yet come officially. We originally planned this event to happen that day, but had to hasten it for diplomatic reasons. For a prince is among us.

He motions the prince, who is in the crowd, who waves to the surrounding citizens as they look at him. His hair is a light blonde, eyes jade green, and he wears a fancy garb.

King Phosphorus
Prince Haden Holstein, we are forever grateful you would grace us with your presence today.

No, the honor is all mine, your majesty.

Prince Haden bows politely and the crowd claps.

River sneaks a peak at Haden from around the corner of the door, no one in the crowd noticing.

So... That's him.

King Phosphorus
Now, without further ado, I'd like to present to you all, my daughter, Princess River Lucrece!

With a motion to the open door, he signals River to step out. After taking a breath, she does so nervously, stepping up beside her father and looking at the cheering crowd and Haden.

King Phosphorus
Please everyone, enjoy today's celebrations. Enjoy the meals, enjoy the music, and enjoy each other.

With a bow of his own, he looks at his daughter.

King Phosphorus
That goes for you as well, my girl. But keep in mind what today is really for. Hm?

He pats her back and walks off, leaving River with this task.


Through the open door, Stace walks out as well with a nice purple dress and her hair in a neat, fancy formation.

So, this is it. The party.

Yeah. It is. But it's terrifying...!

I wasn't even gonna come at first, so imagine how I feel.

Haden is seen walking towards them.

Judging by his attire, is that the prince?

River nods nervously, not being able to summon words.

Hello, Princess River.

He grabs River's hand and pulls up to his mouth, kissing it.

You look beautiful today.

To both girls, this is kind of forward and sudden.

(Uncomfortable laugh)

River withdraws her hand from his grasp, pulling it close to her chest.

Stace and River look at one another and back at him.

Oh. Uh, who's she?

He asks, pointing at Stace.

I'm her lady-in-waiting. And even if you are a prince, learn the meaning of boundaries please.

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