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"Clover! Get over here will ya'?" Darry yelled Summers nickname. He looked around for her and realized that she was messing around with Steve. "Steve! Don't you hurt my kid sister! She may be around your age, but Cloves is a lot smaller than you are." he laughed as Summer made a groan.

She gave Darry a look, "Come on," she whined, "I can take steve. Can't I Dal?" she turned around to see one of her best friends staring at her with admiration.

at the time she didn't know what feelings really were, since she hung around the gang her whole life. outside of the gang she never truly had any other friends. sure she talked to Marcia and Cherry some, but they weren't considered friends.

they were soc's and summer wasn't aloud around them at all. if she were to even to talk about one Darry or Dally would get onto her behind. or pretty much anyone in the group.

Dally gave summer a witty smile, "sure you can, Sum. Sure." he laughed at her reaction. she hated that nickname. Dally would always call her that even though she hated it. she'd rather him call her Clove, Clover, or even Cloves like the rest of the gang calls her.

she sighed, giving him a look, "how many times do i have to tell you, Dally? don't call me that!" she smacked him on the arm as she ran into the kitchen to go help Darry before Dallas could even get to her.

Darry gave her a smile, "You've got school tomorrow, kid. Don't forget to wake up early this time. Did you do your homework?" he asked her.

she made a "O" face and shook her head. she then ran back into her room, ran back out with her books, and started working on her homework. whenever she didn't know what to do, whoever was closest, she'd ask them for help.

she couldn't ask any else to help her with math. the only good ones who were really good at math were Ponyboy, Johnny, Darry, and Soda. Johnny wasn't here and neither was Ponyboy. they were hanging out somewhere and wouldn't be back until later in the afternoon.

she couldn't ask Soda because he had to leave early for his shift at the DX. Steve didn't have his shift until later the next day. Soda just needed some extra money since he doesn't normally work on sundays.

the only other person she could ask was Darry. she wasn't going to though. he was making them all breakfast. sometimes dally would already be gone by the time breakfast came, but when breakfast was ready he was still here. it was a shock to her.

"dig in!" darry smiled at everyone as they grabbed plates. dally started pushing summer and she started pushing him back. until she fell over and broke a lamp in the living room.

she quickly stood back up and her and dally stood there like a couple of kids in the army. darry sighed and told them to get their food and then go sit down. almost every other week something always gets broken in that house.

dallas turned to summer and whispered to her lowly, "so, what mischief should we cause today?" he smiled down at his best friend.

she smiled back, "let's not do something too illegal today. i don't want to end up in the cooler and have the fuzz called on us. although, it wouldn't be the first time the fuzz was called on us. i just don't need to go to the cooler. i'd get out into a girls home so quick my head would be spinnin, dal!" she whispered back to him as he thought about what they should do.

of course he didn't want her to get put into jail. he couldn't just take pony or johnny either. johnny was too scared and dally didn't need pony getting put into a boys home.

"don't worry. i'll figure something out by the time breakfasts' over." he smiled at her again.

the only time dally really ever smiled was if he was getting into a fight, (which was almost every day) hanging out with the gang, or drinking his problems away. maybe even smoking. he smokes a lot anyways.

"hey." he tapped summers shoulder, "you got a cancer stick i could have, Sum?" he asked her. she gave him a look and then pulled out a box of cigarettes out of her back pocket of her jean shorts.

"don't smoke inside again. we don't need darry getting pissed off." she smiled.


i swear almost every time i'd type darry it would autocorrect to daddy😭😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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