Hold up

311 20 40

POV: flau'jae
Location: car

"Get out of my face before I smack you" I told kilo while getting in the car

"I don't know why you still mad at me , I didn't tell Angel you cheated" she told me while getting in the car and I smacked my lips

"I don't care endiya was your girlfriend, I don't know why you even told her that I was still talking to brea you one pillowing talking Nigga leave me alone" I told her and tray laughed

"Nigga we got into it I didn't know that she was going to tell angel, stop being mad she left you get over it" she told me and I mugged her

"No, you need to get over endiya you keep playing all these sad songs don't nobody what to hear that" I told her with an attitude

"Y'all need to stop, y'all both in y'all feelings it's okay" tray told us and I smacked my lips

"I'm not in my feelings, we need to hurry up because I need to go to the studio" I told them while getting on my phone

"You don't even need to make no more music you about to put out an album, why are we going to the studio" kilo asked me while looking at me confused

"So I can make diss track about you, I still have to make music" I told her and tray started laughing

"Flau'jae stop you been fussing with her since you got here" he told me and I shrugged

"She can talk all she want , she still not going to get Angel back" she told him and I punched her in arm

"Flau'jae stop, y'all just chill" tray told me and I ignored him while going onto my phone

"Matter fact just take me to the airport " I told tray and he looked at me confused

"I thought you wanted to go to the studio before you left" he told me and I shook my head

"I did but I don't want to miss the game so I'm just going to leave" I told him and he nodded while driving to the airport

"You staying with her" kilo asked me and I nodded while grabbing my bags when we pulled up to the airport

"Yea, I'm gonna see y'all at the twins birthday party " I told them and they told me okay before I walked into the building

When my flight was called I got on the plane and I went to sleep

When I woke up we landed so I grabbed my bags and I left the airport and I got in my ride and I went to angel's house

"Where amari" I asked Angel while walking into the house when I saw Amara watching tv

"He still sleep, can you start getting them ready while I get dressed" she asked me while shutting the door and I nodded

"Yea, come on Amara" I told her while picking her up and I went to their room

"Don't get nothing on your outfit, come on Mari you have to get up" I told amari while picking him up and he woke up

"I'm sleepy" he told me while rubbing his eyes while I put his shoes on

"You don't want to see your mommy play basketball " I asked him  and he shook his head

"I'm sleepy" he told me again and I laughed

"You always sleepy, come on" I told him while walking out the room

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