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"dear starclan.."

deep in the territories
of mapleclan, waveclan,
whitelilyclan, and swampclan,
something is stirring..

"help us.."

and its nothing good..

a disease is spreading,
one brought up in fairytales
for kits. nobody thought
it would be real,
yet.. it is.

with nothing to cure
the infected, the clans
members drop,
some clans on the brink of
being extinct.

welcome to solitary,
my original story about a
disease I've made

I have previously made
a story on this, yet did not
publish it so this could be
considered a remake.

warnings for:
— blood
— gore
— disturbing imagery/details
— animal death

more may be added...

without further ado,
I hope you enjoy solitary.

solitaryWhere stories live. Discover now