🍃Book 1 Air: Chapter 2: Escape and New Worlds 🍃

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"What do you mean you killed Firelord Azulon?!" Asuma whispers, clutching Ursa's hands.

"The whole family went to an important meeting with Firelord Azulon to tell us about Iroh and who would be next in line for the throne. Ozai was trying to convince him that since Iroh lost Lu Ten as a successor and Ozai still had his children, he should be fit to be the next Firelord since he still had a lineage. But then, he wanted to talk to Ozai alone. So the rest of us left."

"And then?" Asked Asuma.

"After Ozai came back out and came into my room, he told me that Firelord Azulon should feel the same pain and punishment as Iroh in losing his firstborn. Then and only then would he become the Firelord."

"Wait, what? Then that means-" Asuma holds a hand to her mouth with an exasperated breath.

"He's planning to kill Zuko," Ursa says as tears stream down her face.

"But I couldn't let him do that, especially not to someone like Zuko. So I proposed a plan to leave Zuko out of harm's way and let Ozai become the next Firelord."

"Oh no, Ursa..."

"I pledged I'd help him assassinate Azulon so he could be the next in line for the throne. And I did, just now." Ursa says.

Asuma looks at Ursa, still in shock. Processing everything.

"Ursa, that's treason to the crown."

"I know! I came to you since you're the only one I can trust! I need your help!"

Asuma holds Ursa's hands together.

She breathes in and out slowly, "I'll help you escape the palace and out of the fire nation tonight."

"But- I-I know this is already asking much. You help me, though... they'll come after you...and Izumi too...this was a mistake coming for help. I'll just–"

"Ursa. Listen to me. You're my childhood friend. My best friend. We had children at the same time. I'll be fine, and Izumi will be fine. I want and need to help you. You've had a rough and hard time with Ozai all these years, and I stood idly by as he hurt you."

After Asuma and Ursa spoke, Asuma helped get papers ready for Ursa in her study. Being a diplomat, she found a way and safe passage for Ursa to head to an earth kingdom colony. Somewhere sacred and spiritually imbued land where she can find peace and solace.

"This should be everything."

"I can't thank you enough, Asuma."

"I wish I could go with you and help you more, but-"

"This is already more than enough..."

"And another thing, look after Zuko for me, will you? Though I'm sure Izumi will be doing that for me." Ursa hugs Asuma and leaves out the back door.

Asuma plops onto her bed, softly crying herself to sleep.

The following day, news spread all around the imperial palace. The queen is gone. And no one knows how she left or who helped her. Yet, Palace guards and officials asked and questioned and soon found out who helped.

Zuko came running out of his room straight to the throne room. He saw his father sitting on the Firelord throne.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" He screams, stifling tears down.


"What did you DO TO HER?! I KNOW IT WAS YOU!" he says, tears streaming down his eyes.

He dashes out of the palace, knowing his father won't give him the answers he seeks, with tears streaming down his cheeks.

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