Seeking Sensation [Part 5/6]

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Physical injuries? A mild abrasion on Trinette's side where the stun baton made contact, not much worse than a sunburn. Mentally? Such a state couldn't be described with words alone, though few words were spoken as the doctors subjected Trinette to the most common treatment in the age of Povies: ataraxia.

The procedure was simple. First, the patient answers a series of questions revolving around their ideal safe spaces, favorite vacation spots, and whatever place, weather, time of day, or music brings them peace. Far more easily accomplished if the patient is neither unconscious nor catatonic, in which case the most popular answers are chosen in place of no answers at all. Then a series of Povies broadcasting those desired feelings and locations, each one recorded by a licensed medical professional, is compiled into a playlist for the patient to experience until they become relaxed or stable enough for release. Of course, not all patients wished to leave the Povies upon full recovery, oftentimes leading to violent altercations followed by sedations or outright arrests, but that wouldn't be the case for Trinette.

"Five seconds," whispered a nurse into her ear, and a series of beeps began counting down. Trinette took one more look at the infinite meadows around her and the cloudy blue sky above her before everything went dark five seconds later. Before the next one kicked in, she felt reality around her, the hospital bed against her back, a squishy pillow encasing her head.

"Progress recorded," said the nurse, then the countdown started again. "Starting next Povie. Remain calm and take a deep breath."

Like the jolt of the waking world ripping one away from sleep, Trinette entered the new Povie before she could even blink. She found herself in a modernized cabin hidden away in the forest, windows towering to the ceiling as a light rainfall tapped against the glass. The star who lent her eyes to Trinette and all others before her was a fit young black woman with strong arms and perfect skin. When she lowered herself to the floor, stretching her arms and legs across the carpet, Trinette felt its softness, embraced it as if it were hers to keep. The star smiled, and Trinette felt her own lips curl into one as well.

"You're doing very good, Miss Mackenzie," said the nurse, though Trinette couldn't see her yet. "Just half a minute left to this one. How's one more before we send you on your way?"

"Can we keep this one going a little longer?" sighed Trinette. "I really like it."

"I'm sorry, Miss Mackenzie, this one's no longer than a minute. But the next one on the list is by the same woman you just experienced. Same cabin, too. She'll be taking a warm shower next. Would you like to try it?"

Trinette pondered for a few seconds before replying, "Can I watch it at home?"

No more Povie. No more cabin or soft carpet or tranquil rain. No chance of Trinette getting to feel another woman's body engulfed in soap and warm running water, though there were a hundred other Povies available on Looksy that'd fit the criteria or come close. The nurse escorted Trinette to the lobby, recommending future visits and ataraxia treatments, but Trinette ignored them, distracted by the voices of David and Maurice just around the corner.

"Why is brute force allowed to stop Povies from being filmed?" asked David.

"Too many animals out there," said Maurice, "trying to give the rest of the world the opportunity to grab the ass of their favorite celebrities. Brute force worked against parasitic live-streamers and so-called 'prank' channels back in the day. And if it ain't broke, then...well, you know how it goes."

David nodded. None of them noticed Trinette yet. Not even Bash, who sat slumped in his seat as if rendered immobile. She didn't want them to notice her just yet, as she was intrigued by their conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06 ⏰

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