Elizabeth burrows

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Full name: Elizabeth Burrows

Nicknames: Eliza (main), Liza, lizzy, Liz, betsey

Age: 28

Birthday: August 29th, Virgo

Birthplace(from): Pennsylvania

Lives: Manhattan New York

Occupation: history and music professor at Colombia University, also part of the ghostbusters when it comes to history of places they're going too or just in general. As well as the ghost they bust

Personality: kind, caring, sometimes sarcastic. She can be very strict sometimes. But overall she's a very sweet person.

Likes: reading, movies, music, history especially American history. Singing, being apart of the ghosts busters

Dislikes: science except earth and space science. She does try to understand it especially when she's talking to Egon about it, but if it's physics or chemistry she's not that great with it. Bugs, snakes, spiders, thunderstorms

Fears: ironically ghosts, Eliza's always been afraid of ghosts, she does believe in them but she's been kind of scared, and it's kind of ironic that being part of the ghostbusters that she's afraid of them, but it's mostly why she stays behind the scenes. Thunderstorms. Eliza isn't big on thunderstorms she doesn't like how loud they are. Especially because she has sensitive hearing

Friends: Dana Barrett, Venkman, Ray, Winston

Enemies: Gozer, gatekeeper, key master, Melnitz (frenemies) (because she likes Spengler)

Best friend(s): Egon

Mom: Heather Burrows (Jennifer Connelly)

Family: Mom: Heather Burrows (Jennifer Connelly)

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Father: James Burrows (Tom Cruise)

Father: James Burrows (Tom Cruise)

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Egon Spengler

Backstory: Elizabeth is the only child of James and Heather Burrows

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Backstory: Elizabeth is the only child of James and Heather Burrows. Eliza joins the ghostbusters shortly after they are created. She met Spengler while working in the same university. Even though she's mostly stayed in her department, she has wondered to the science department sometimes, because she's a big earth and space science person. Eliza is very different from Spengler not just their field but personality wise too, some of the other ghostbusters tend to wonder how her and Spengler became a thing especially because they're so different. But opposites attract. Eliza moved to New York when she went to college at NYU at least 4 years before the events of the original ghostbusters movie, and now is a professor at Columbia University. But she also helps out the ghostbusters mostly with history of the city.

Faceclaim: Claire holt

Faceclaim: Claire holt

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Favorite songs on her cassette (like what Peter has in guardians of the galaxy)

I was made for loving you ~ Kiss

Don't you forget about me ~Simple Minds

Separate ways ~journey

Everybody wants to rule the world ~Tears for Fears

Come and get your love ~ Redbone

Summer of 69 ~Bryan Addams

You're the one that I want ~Olivia newton John and John Travolta

The Chain ~Fleetwood Mac

Brandy (you're a fine girl) ~Looking glass

Another one bites the dust ~Queen

Rock and roll all nite ~Kiss

Detroit rock city ~Kiss

Hooked on a feeling ~Blue suede

Go all the way ~Raspberries

Escape (Pina colada song) ~Rupert Holmes

Don't go breaking my heart ~Elton john and Kiki Dee

Heavens on fire ~kiss

Thunderstruck ~Ac/Dc

Immigrant song ~Led Zeppelin

Take on me ~a ha

Don't worry Be happy ~Bobby McFarland

Three little birds ~Bob Marley

Jamin ~Bob Marley

Underground ~ David Bowie

As the world falls down ~David Bowie

Eliza's favorite song(s)
Don't you forget about me ~Simple Plan, As the world falls down ~David Bowie

Song that reminds her of Egon

Don't go breaking my heart Elton john and Kiki Dee

Favorite music genre:
70s/80s rock and roll

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