Kissing The Flu Away (Yuna) [S] [F]

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3rd Pov

The dorm was silent, a stark contrast to the usual blaring energy of Yuna and her group mates. Curled into a feverish ball beneath a mountain of blankets, Yuna sniffled miserably. The relentless training for their comeback had finally taken its toll, leaving her with a hacking cough and a head that felt stuffed with cotton. Just as despair threatened to set in, the telltale buzz of the security code on the main door sent a spark of warmth through her.

"Y/n?" she croaked, her voice barely a whisper.

The door flew open, revealing a worried Y/n clutching a giant teddy bear almost as big as him. "Yuna!" he exclaimed, rushing to her bedside with the grace of a bull in a china shop. "The girls told me you weren't feeling well. I brought backup!" He shoved the giant bear into her arms, its fluffy grin somehow managing to mirror his own.

Yuna couldn't help but crack a smile. "Y/n, you're such a dork."

"Hey!" he feigned offense, placing a cool hand on her forehead. "I'm a dork who cares about his super-awesome, incredibly talented, and currently-plagued-by-the-flu girlfriend."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Thesaurus," Yuna teased, swatting his hand playfully. "Seriously though, you didn't have to come all this way."

"Like I wouldn't," he scoffed, his voice softening. "You practice like crazy for every comeback, sunshine. It's my turn to take care of you."

He fussed over her for the next hour, transforming the dorm room into a cozy sickbay. He made her a steaming cup of ginger tea, complete with a cartoon bear stirring it (courtesy of a very enthusiastic Y/n).

"See? Feeling better already, right?" he asked, his eyes crinkling at the corners with a hopeful smile.

Yuna took a sip, the warmth soothing her throat. "Much better," she admitted, her voice stronger. "Though, having a personal teddy bear butler definitely helps."

He chuckled, a low rumble that sent a shiver down her spine. "Anything for my princess."

Yuna rolled her eyes playfully. "Ugh, don't get all cheesy on me. It's bad for my delicate flu-ridden constitution."

Despite her teasing, a blush crept up her cheeks. Y/n, ever perceptive, caught it. He leaned closer, his gaze flickering between her eyes and her lips.

"You know," he murmured, his voice a husky whisper, "there's another way I could help you feel better."

Yuna's breath hitched. "Oh yeah? And what's that, Mr. Magic Cure?"

He brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face, his touch sending a delicious tingle down her spine. "Cuddles," he said, a knowing smirk playing on his lips.

Yuna couldn't help but laugh. "You are a walking cliché, you know that?"

"But a cliché you wouldn't mind having cuddle with you, right?"

"Maybe," she conceded, a playful glint in her eyes.

Y/n didn't waste any time. He slipped under the covers, the giant teddy bear relegated to the foot of the bed with a disgruntled look on its fluffy face. He pulled Yuna close, his warmth enveloping her like a comforting blanket.

"See? Instant improvement," he murmured against her hair.

Yuna snuggled closer, a contented sigh escaping her lips. They lay in comfortable silence for a while, the only sound the soft rasp of Yuna's breath and the steady beat of their hearts.

Then, as if a sudden thought struck her, Yuna pulled away slightly. "Wait," she said, a flicker of worry in her voice. "What about you? You won't catch this, will you?"

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