The Aftermath?

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TW; gore, gore mention, blood, mention of cannibalism and organs, manipulation? , eating of organs

A/N: if you get uncomfy with these, please don't read! Unless you want to, can't stop you-


    Eden didn't cry often, but today she had a reason to. She was just joking around, no harm was intended. Eden wiped the tears spilling from her eyes, wincing a little at the feeling of alcohol on her arm. Q looked up at her. Eden was sitting on the bathroom sink-top and Quackity sat on a stool tending to her arm - a wound which he had made. "I know it hurts. I'll be done in a second," Quackity told her. It wasn't reassuring, but it helped a little. Eden tried not to look, but curiosity compelled her to nonetheless. The blood had for the most part stopped pouring out, now coming out in dribbles. Parts of her now torn flesh was on display, however, which wasn't a very comforting sight.

    After all, Quackity was just replacing what the young girl had stolen. Quackity got bandages from underneath the sink and carefully started to wrap them around Eden's wound. The wound was a large, uneven gash on her lower arm. After he finished bandaging her wound, he stood up and helped Eden off the top of the sink. She rolled her sleeves back down. "Maybe this wouldn't have happened had you just listened to me," Quackity told her. Sympathy is not the word I'm looking for... maybe pride? Carelessness? "I know, I'm sorry-" Eden was stumbling on her words which wasn't usual for her - considering her extroverted self. She wiped her tears yet again. 

    "You need to learn to listen to me, Eden. It's what's best for you." "But I already-" "Glum? He's dead. Regardless, you don't have to be obedient to only one individual. I'm just saying it's in your best interest to just listen to me. I don't want to have to hurt you... again." "I'm sorry..." "I know you are. Now go to your room, it's late." Eden nodded, heading to her small room decorated entirely with honey. Sleeping would definitely be a challenge tonight. With Eden's insomnia and her still painful wounds, sleeping was not going to be an easy task. Especially knowing she's sleeping in the same house as the same man who tore open her arm to take her flesh for his upcoming shop. She still had some liver, which she had stolen earlier... 

    Which reminded Eden how hungry she was at the moment. She could pollinate, her being a bee and all - but no flowers were near. And she was too scared to ask Quackity if he had any honey for her. Bees only lived off of honey, but... eating some meat couldn't hurt, right? Eden took a small bite of the bits of human flesh in her hand. Surprisingly, it was kind of... good. She continued to chow down on the human flesh she had. Maybe the young girl is psychotic or maybe just weird. Guess she'll find out another time.

Isla  Inferno ~ OFFICIAL BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now