Chapter 14

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I hate how close Mateo and Nyomi are getting. It's annoying the fuck out of me. I mean, I'm the one who brought her home. But than again, Mateo is the only one experienced enough to deal with her panic attacks. I am also a dick sometimes. But still doesn't mean that she can chose him over me. Unless they found out that they are mates. 

But if that's the case, then there is a chance for Parker and I. Mateo would have also said something to us. Right? He's may be the older triplet, but he's not selfish. Unless she asked him not to tell us because she doesn't want to hurt our feelings. Though, I'm pretty sure Parker would be fine because he does have Sophia. 

Ugh. I hate that whore. I saw her kissing Jake Dunhop the other day. She's been hanging with him a lot whenever Parker isn't around. I'm not the only who has seen it too, Mateo also notices it. He mates her as much as I do, but we put up with her for Parker's sake. The first year they were dating, Parker was absolutely in love with her. Head over heals. But now he isn't but he stays with her for both of their reputations. 

Right now I am sitting in the back of the car with Parker driving and Mateo in the front seat. We are on our way to school, but I think we all have the feeling that we need to be home with Nyomi. Mateo has that face he makes when he knows he should be listening to his gut feeling, well his wolf. Parker just has his straight face on, but I can tell that he is also having that same feeling. 

"Okay. We are all having the same feeling. Why don't we turn around and just go home?" I finally speak, breaking the deafening silence. 

"Because, Alex. We all have important stuff going on today. Parker has to get his midterm in today or he can't play football. I have that test in physics and you have a test in chemistry." Mateo says, looking back at me. I know he's right, but he also knows I'm right too. 

"I know. I just have that feeling. My wolf is basically screaming at me to go to Nyomi." 

"I know. Mine, too." With that, Mateo turns back around, ending the conversation. Parker parks the car in his usual spot. I grab my backpack then I exit the car. My brother's follow me out. 

"Look, I'll text her, okay? To make sure she alright." Mateo tells me while pulling out his phone. I watch him send before heading into the school. I let out a deep sigh as I follow him. 

I wasn't able to concentrate much throughout the whole day. My head hurts from how much my wolf has been screaming at me. It has threatened to take over a couple of times, but I just push him down. I bare make it through my test in chemistry. I sit at the lunch table with my two brothers and Steve. Steve notices that we are all off. 

"Yo. I don't think I've ever seen you three like this. Like ever. Is it that girl that you were telling me about?" Parker had told Steve about Nyomi, which is fine. 

"Yeah, we all have been feeling like we need to go home and be with her. But we all need to be at school today." Parker answers his question. Sophia comes over to the table, making Mateo, Steve and I groan in annoyance. She makes herself comfortable on Parker's lap. He tries to push her off but to no avail. 

"Not today, Sophia." He says. 

"Why not?" She asks her annoying baby voice. 

"Because I can't with you today. I have more important things I need to worry about." I smirk at his words, feeling a sense of pride. 

"What could be more important than me? Is it a girl? Are you cheating on me? Oh My Moon. You are!" Tears start rolling down her cheeks. I scoff at her actions. Is this bitch serious? Before either Mateo and me could say something, Parker speaks again. 

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