Year 3- Chapter 20: That Man Who Calls Himself Our Father Is Truly Despicable

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: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Chiori POV

Chiori knocked on Kiyotaka's dorm room when Suzune opened it welcoming her in.

Chiori: Horikita-Senpai?

Chiori- Were they...? No. She doesn't seem flustered in the slightest.

Chiori sits down.

Chiori: why did you call me here Ni-San?

Kiyotaka/Suzune: Happy Birthday Chiori.

Chiori: It's my birthday?

Kiyotaka presents her with a gift. Chiori opens it to find a bracelet.

Chiori: It's really beautiful. Thank you Ni-San.

Suzune hands her gift over next.

Chiori opens it to find a hairpin.

Chiori: A hairpin.

Suzune: I thought your old one seemed a bit worn out so I hope you like it.

Chiori- As expected Horikita-Senpai is a better gift giver than Ni-San. Though it's likely that I'm just as bad as him at it.

The three talked for a while in the dorm.


Chiori was walking around when she found Hirata talking with his friends.

Friend: Hey it's the SCP's little sister.

Friend: Are you guys part of this secret genetically enhanced family or something? I mean the two of you are amazing!

Chiori: Um thank you I suppose.

Hirata's Friends leave.

Chiori: Hirata-Senpai.

Hirata: Matsuhara-San.

Chiori: You can call me Chiori.

Hirata: Oh um okay.

Chiori- He seems a bit nervous.

Chiori: How have you been?

Hirata: Um I've been fine

Chiori leans in towards him. As Hirata leans back as the redness in his cheeks is obvious.

Chiori: Hirata-Senpai. Could it be that you have feelings for me?

Hirata: Eh what!?

Hirata stands up putting some distance between the two of them.

Hirata- She's being so forward that I feel like an attempt is being made on my life here.

Chiori: Was I wrong?

Hirata: Um I...

Chiori: Hirata-Senpai. Go out with me.

Hirata: Um.... wait what!?

Chiori: I think that if it's you I can fall in love.

Hirata blushes deeply. Chiori leans in.

Chiori: Could it be that you're too embarrassed to answer me back?

Chiori smirks mischievously.

Hirata: I like you Chiori-San.

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