Lost and found.

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As I got up I felt pain in my chest. "Mama" I ran down stairs. "My chest hurts," I complained. "Oh dear," she said. "I looked down and I could see nipples popping out as soon as I saw them I covered them with my hands. "What's wrong?" Hermione and dad said. "Hun I'm going to take the girls shopping, Syrena go put a shirt on top of that one," she said. I did what she told me to do and Hermione and I was soon out shopping for bras, one we got fitted.

"You young lady are a C cup," the lady said after she sized me, next it was Hermiones turn. "And you are a B1/2" she said smiling at us. "Oh my babies are growing up so much," she said having tears at her eyes.

"Oo can we get some ice cream?" I asked swing an ice cream truck. "Yeah why not," she said as we walked over there, they really didn't let us have candy most of the time but some times they let up have ice cream. "May I have the strawberry fruit bar," she asked. "Oo I would like the coconut one please and thank you," I said cheerfully.

We got home and finished our ice cream and put on one of our new bras. "Ima go adventure in the attic," I told Hermione. "Why, don't you have summer homework to do?" She asked. "I got done with it, if you could go over it that be great and to search through the documents of our family history, I believe we're not Muggle-Borns" I said confidently.

5 hours later I found some papers. One of them were adoption papers and the other were some distant cousins name of crouch, then I realized the crouch family is pure blood. "Mama mama!" I yelled running down stairs to her,(dad was at work) "yes dear?" She said concerned looking at my sitting in the couch. I showed her the papers and then her eyes went wide. "Am I adopted?" I blurted curiously. Hermione came in at that moment curious what was happening. "And are these our family? And if so which side of the family?" I asked more, she gently took the papers from my hand looking at them knowingly. "Can we wait till father gets home dear?" She said more of commanding than asking.

It was later and our father came home, once he open the door Hermione and I dragged him the the living room. "What's going on?" He asked curiously.

Mom showed him the papers. "Oh I see" he said. "So am I adopted" I asked. "Yes you are but you still family of blood, it a long story," she said. "We don't go to bed soon and we're done with our summer homework so please tell," Hermione insisted.

"Ok, so one night when Hermione was one, on of my distant cousins arrived at our porch with you Syrena, his name is Barty Crouch Jr, he claimed to be your father and insisted we take you in, there was a lot of dangerous stuff happening were he was and he didn't want you involved in it growing up and said you'll be safer here, he also insisted we change your last name to granger," they said back and forth. I sat there thinking of the family line and then it really hit me. Who was my mother. "Who's my biological mother?" I asked curiously. "He left us a picture of her, her name was Celena Alingle," she said handing a picture to Syrena. The girl in the picture had blonde curly tamed hair and a beautiful smile, she had olive skin, and purple eyes. "She passed away giving birth to you," she added.

Syrena turned to Hermione exited. She put her hand on Hermione shoulders and started to shake her a little. "Do you know what this means!" She shooker her more. "Where not muggleborns, not that's there anything wrong with that, there's nothing wrong with it, but we're Halfbloods at least!" She said jumping up and started to dance, "wait so that mean your my cousin!" I said stoping for a moment, "but your my sister because I like that better," I said knocking Hermione down and hugging her.

"Wait but we can't say anything to anyone, he did this for a reason we have to stay under the radar," Hermione said looking at me, "I agree, but could we tell Harry and Ron," I asked. "If they can keep and secret," we both nodded our head in agreement. "That means you guys to." We both said to our parents.

Not to long there was an Eurasian Eagle-owl flying threw one of our windows from the kitchen. "Girls there mail here." She said shocked layering the letter. When we went in I saw Ulysses with a black letter, I immediately knew who it was from, Draco.

I immediately ran over. Taking the letter and putting it in my pocket. "Hey Ulysses nice to see you again," I said giving him a treat and and my letter. "Bye love see you at school," I said seeing tomorrow were going to go down to diagon ally.

When I got down to my bedroom I admire the letter. And read it.

Dear Syrena

            Sorry for writing a letter all summer but tomorrow meet me in the library up stairs. See you soon.


"Draco?" I heard Hermione say behind me. "Ahh, don't scare me like that," I said holding the letter to my chest. "And please don't be mad at me.." I said looking at her. "Why would I be mad, you like him don't you," she said. "He-yeah I have a small crush on him, and the first time we touch there was this spark and I think he felt it to," I said blush rising to my cheeks. "And it like a recurring thing," I added.

"I'll look into it," Hermione said. "You don't have to I can look into it to you know we're both smart," I said we both giggled.

We eventually arrived at the book store after picking other stuff up. "Oh no not him," I said. "What who is it.." as Hermione saw him she blushed. "He's a fake you know it so freaking obvious," I said to her. "Oh no he's not," Hermione said shaking off my words. "What ever I'm going up stairs see you in a minute." I said as I walked up the to see Draco reading a book.

"Watcha reading?" I asked as I walked to him. "Just a book," he replied. "Interesting, Oo," I said as I locked eyes on a book on a shelf. I went to get it when it was out of my reach, so I got on my tippy toes to reach it as I did that I felt Draco right behind me. "Need help shorty," he said cunning. "If you could please help me?" I said turning around looking at him with a hand on my hip.

He walked up and grabbed the book above me, I could fill chills down my back and my cheeks turning a shade of red. I knew there other girls in school that liked him, and how could he like me. "Here's your book," he said smirking

                                 Draco POV

I was siting in a chair reading a book when I heard someone walk up. "Watcha reading?" She asked in her cute curious tone.  "Just a book," I replied. "Interesting, Oo," she said as she got side track seeing a book she was interested in on the shelf. I saw her struggle. I was about to get up and help her when I saw her get on her tippy toes at that moment I got butterflies in my stomach, she's so cute. "Need help shorty," I said cunningly walking up to her. "If you could please help me?" She said turning around looking at me with a hand on her hip.

I walked up closer and grabbed the book above her, I reached up and grabbed the book that she was trying to get. When I got it I saw a blush on her cheeks 'god she's adorable' I thought. "Here's your book," I said smirking.

(Back to Syrenas POV)

We sat down at the table. "Books about snakes? Of course you would read that, what a page are you on?" I asked. "A snake called a Basilisk," he said. "Did you know that there are chamber of secrets under the school Salazar Slytherin put there and there to be said that kind of snake roams it, but they said it's not true because they can't fined it but I think they didn't look in the right places," I said amazed. "Yeah I have and really-" he stoped when there was a noise down stairs.

We came rushing and saw Lucius and Author fighting. My eyes widen. 'Ok Syrena the books are included' I said in my head. Eventually the fight was broken up and Hermione and I went home with our parents. 'Not gonna lie I can't wait till we're with the Weasleys 24/7 during the summer' I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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