21. Int. Homings Manor - Afternoon

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Camera fades back in, showing the inside of Elias' home, with Elias himself standing in the open back doorway and looking out at the walled gardens.

A knock can be heard from the front door, opposite the room he's in. A room sandwiched between the dining room to its left and kitchen to its right.

Someone get the door!

Male Servant


Yes, master!

After a moment, Stace steps into the room behind Elias, who turns to her.

Wasn't expecting to see you again so soon.

Well, I'm mad. And I don't have any outlet to unload it to now, and even if I did, I couldn't because it concerns said emotional outlet themselves.

Oh. Then... What are you mad about?

Yesterday, River met with a Prince she was supposed to wed and create an heir with, and she was uncomfortable, so I took up for her! I told the guy off and he backed down!

Okay... What's got you so upset then?

I'm mad because today, while cleaning up the castle, I ran into them in a hall and saw them kissing! The guy she herself was uncomfortable with and I defended her against! It's... Infuriating!

Her arms swing about from her anger.

Ah. Seems like she's changed suddenly, then?

Stace nods her head rapidly.

Yeah! What on earth happened?! It feels like she's doing this just to spite me! So-

She puts up a finger and smirks with eyebrows dipped inwards, the other hand in a fist on her hip.

I have an idea!

Oh dear... What is it?

She didn't like you, so why don't we get together?!

Wait- That's what this is about?! She didn't want to be with me due to my reputation, right? Does the prince have a similar reputation about him that you warned her about but she didn't heed for some reason?

Well, no, but-

Then you're not dragging me into this! This is a feud at this point! And part of me even wonders if Princess River knows it's happening!

He puts a hand on his forehead, pushing his bangs up due to how exhausting going off was.

But she... She said I am a peasant. That's a demeaning term, and we've been friends so long. Do you not understand how that hurts? Your friend calling you something like that...?

Hearing this, Elias rubs the side of his neck.

No. And...

He pauses for a split moment.

I'm sorry for going off. But I refuse to be used in some dumb feud between two old friends. Let me tell you something... Reputation does matter to someone of my stature, let alone for royalty.

What are you getting at...?

I'm saying that for her to associate with someone with a reputation such as mine, it could be detrimental. With my father's attempted coup, it's harmed the very business I've been left in charge of. And even people tangentially involved get blamed. That's why she cut off our conversation yesterday.

Are you saying that she was right?

Elias glances off.

Well, "right" is a strong word. And there's major implications that such words hold. Then there's the philosophical discussion about if there really is a "right and wrong." But that's neither here nor there. To put it bluntly, it's a smart political move.

Stace looks at him with a shocked expression.

Doesn't it hurt to be viewed that way though? You're a person, a human being that's being treated like a monster... You're being blamed for what your father did. Doesn't that hurt at all?

Elias brushes his hair back and holds his other hand on his waist.

I never said it didn't. I get dismissed immediately in political conversations. Like I'm being written off. And I've lost close friends, fellow nobles living in this very neighborhood that want nothing to do with me. But much like the princess, they are doing it to keep their own reputations from suffering.

Stace looks at the floor, almost in a saddened manner.

Then what do I do from here?

She looks back up towards him.

How am I to know? Your life is only yours. Your choices are your own. Just try to make whatever choice you might regret least. That's all any of us can do.

She thinks in silence for a moment, ultimately concluding what should be done.

Thank you.

She smiles at him.

It's not like I really did anything. I think you knew what to do from the start.

Giving each other a smile and Stace walking over and the two hugging, she nods and walks away, going back through the short hall leading to the front door.

Camera shows her determined expression before cutting.

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