Year 3- Chapter 21: Freedom At Last

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: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Kiyotaka received a message;

From: Unknown | To: Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

P. Ayanokoji is making his move. He's most likely trying to recover "The Failed Product". You should have met him yesterday. But I warn you that he had about 50 mercenaries with him. He also had Tsukishiro which means he'll likely have Shiba's support.

Kiyotaka- This is almost certainly from Yagami. Now I have to find that man.

A Class 1-A Student rushes towards him.

Class 1-A Student: President! Bad news! Your sister Chiori-San. I saw her rushing out of the school. If the school finds out about it she'll be expelled.

Kiyotaka: Cover for her. 

Class 1-A Student: Okay.

Kiyotaka runs off messaging Suzune as he does.

From: Ayanokoji Kiyotaka | To: Horikita Suzune

Suzu. If you're reading this I might get expelled today. Do your best to cover for my absence. I'm sorry that I can't tell you more.

Kiyotaka arrives at the building.

Kiyotaka- That bracelet came in handy with its tracking feature. She might think I'm being creepy but until I deal with that man I can't take any chances.

Kiyotaka flashbacks;

"Kiyotaka: I want you to know that the bracelet has a tracking device.

Chiori: A tracking device?

Kiyotaka: If you need my help. You can activate it by pressing this button.

Chiori: I see.

Kiyotaka: I can still find you regardless though.

He shows her his phone which also has an activation app.

Kiyotaka: If I feel you're in danger I'll use it.

Chiori: I'm fine with that."

Kiyotaka opens the door to the building to find mercenaries all around him. They all point their tranquilizers at him

Kiyotaka- They're not from the White Room.

Shiba enters and goes the door down the hall. The opening of the door allows Kiyotaka to see Chiori lying on the ground unable to move. A bubbling rage enters into Kiyotaka's mind as he begins tearing into them with his brain working even better than before allowing him to predict cart trajectories. With all this Kiyotaka is able to incapacitate 38 mercenaries of the 40 stationed outside.

Mercenary 39: What the hell is with this damn brat? How is he doing this?

Mercenary 40 desperately tries to open the door at the end of the hall to get away.

Mercenary 40- Some of us are dead. I don't want to die!

Mercenary 39 holds his ground pointing his tranquilizer at Kiyotaka. Kiyotaka looks at him unfazed by the weapon pointed at him with a look of rage on his face.

Mercenary 39- I've served in the military for over 20 years and I've never seen such darkness coming from anyone. I...

Kiyotaka grabs the weapon prying it free of its owner and then turns it on him shooting him in the leg. Mercenary 39 falls to the ground unconscious.

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