24. Int. King's Chambers - Night

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Camera fades back in to show the king's bedroom. He lies in his bed under a cover as his royal advisor and other influential members of the kingdom sit around the large room.

Nobleman 1
So, what is it we do now that the king is dead? Regarding the royal succession.

The royal advisor looks at the portly man.

Royal Advisor
Why are you asking? Isn't it obvious? The princess should ascend. She is the next in line.

Nobleman 2
I think what my younger contemporary is trying to say is that is she capable of ruling over a kingdom? The king was in his thirties when he ascended, and she is merely seventeen.

Royal Advisor
That's because he wasn't born a ruler. He was selected by the former king, who was childless and had no heir. She, on the other hand, is in the direct line of succession.

He looks at them all one by one, noticing their devious demeanors.

Royal Advisor
I think I know what's going on here. You all want the throne for yourselves, correct? It would triple any of your wealth, and you all are businessmen. So is that it?

Nobleman 2
How smart you think you are, you are nothing but a lowly servant, and you dare speak against us? Your superior men?

The royal advisor clenches his fists.

Royal Advisor
That's it. Get out. None of you are fit to hold any office. The princess will ascend to the throne whether you like it or not.

At this, the noblemen all look at one another before reluctantly walking out of the room back to back.

The royal advisor pokes his head out of the room and sees a servant.

Royal Advisor
Go and retrieve the princess. It is of the utmost importance.

The servant nods and starts walking away from the royal advisor.

Camera cuts as they walk off.

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