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Friends who never called me a friend,

Yet I stay with someone who I regret,

For they brought me happiness, aswell,

A feeling that I'd often dread.

Assignments unfinished and undone,

Stress and anxiety peak,

I wish to scream and to run,

Silently drawing myself away as tears leak.

Anxiously overthinking, taking shallow breaths,

I tremble and shake in fear,

Feeling as though I am close to death,

Gripping my wrist, making the cut sear.

Beneath the lies that cover my sight,

I find it hard to say, and hope you ask,

I'm not okay,  endless black with no light,

When I say I'm okay, please look through my mask.

I'm exhausted of always being the runner-up,

When you watch as I silently blow myself up.

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