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Another Wednesday went by and I am actually really surprised to not have received any note on that day. Which makes me think that maybe actually it was some kind of a prank but who could pull it?

With this busy life I tend to always forget that somebody actually knows what I'm doing and where I am all the damn time. I just forget it. Forget the notes and everything. I've been working constantly this week without any stress and I'm loving it. Feels normal to me.

Nishant. That guy has been on my mind since I last met him, he has still not given me my container back. Maybe he's taking cooking classes. I wonder what his life is like, he seems like such a nice, kind and sweet person. Like an actual GENTLEMAN. I bet he's not one of those arrogant CEOs who just boss around and treat their employees like shit.

I return home by 8:00 and directly jump in bathroom for a cold shower. I wear something comfy and enter the kitchen. I cook myself some white sauce pasta for the first time in ages and it smells heavenly to me. I hear a sharp sound of the doorbell interrupting my thoughts and I leave the plate on the counter, turning off the gas and keep a lid over the pan.

'Hi, Navya', I opened the door and saw Nishant with the container in which I gave him the cookies. 'Hey, come on in', I give him a small smile and shift aside to give him the way to enter. 'I guess I interrupted your dinner?', he asks me with a look of guilt on his face. 'You did but I don't mind because now I am really excited to judge your cooking skills', I take the container from his hand and enter the kitchen.

I return with a glass of water and hand it to him. 'So umm you never told me about how the cookies I made were?', I ask him hesitantly. 'Well, let me see, they were really......', he trailed, 'good', finished and I didn't realise that I was holding my breath until he finished his sentence. 'Really? Thanks', I grin. 'I think I should leave now so that you can peacefully eat your dinner', he says getting up from the couch.

'No wait', I stopped him and instantly regretted by how desperate I sounded, 'What?', he looks at me with a lopsided smile as he waited for me to reply. 'I mean I cooked pasta, won't you like to have it?', I ask him. 'Are you asking me out Navya?', he teases, 'What? No!', I say with a horrified expression on my face.

'No, I'm not asking you out, I mean you brought me some food and I cooked some pasta so I just thought you'd be okay-.'
'It's cool, I can have dinner with you. I would actually like that, you just made it easier for me', he cuts me off reassuring me.

'It's awesome', he moans as he takes the first bite of the pasta kept in front of him. I smile with satisfaction and pride. He got me some sandwiches which he made himself as he tells me.

'Okay, now your turn', he looks at me and forwards the container towards me.
I take a bite of the sandwich and I hate to say this but it was better than the sandwich I make. So much better. I chew it slowly with a judgmental look on my face.
'How's it?', he asks me impatiently and with that look on his face. That nose scrunched in worry, eyebrows lifted as he waited for my reply. He looked CUTE. And I could feel my cheeks heating as I complemented him in my head.

'Good', I reply plainly.
'Just good?', he looks at me with a straight face.
'No, not just good, it so much good. I can't believe you made this', I tell him with a small smile. And his face instantly breaks into a big smile showing off his perfect teeth. And that's how we spend our dinner laughing and giggling until he leaves and I'm alone again with the smell of his cologne that was left behind.

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