Riri's Entry #1: Aisha's Growing Pains

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March, 2024.

I recently saw Aisha when I found her in the public library, with books stacked up high that she looked imprisoned. From what I know, she's a college student who recently moved into her university dormitory and is currently studying a concentrated science course.

We never had a chance to talk and bond except during our middle school trip, when I lost my designated puke bag and she lent me hers. I knew her as a person with concrete life plans. I heard back then that she's even got a diagram of her life. A predetermined path and career to pursue, which her parents partially decided for her. 

The bags under her eyes looked prominent, and cans of energy drink loitered her table. That would have been an expected sight, especially since she was studying. But her eyes looked lost and distant. When I looked into her more, I saw her swollen eyelids and runny nose. 

Was she crying?

When I finally finished returning the books I read, I decided to drop by and talk to Aisha.

"Hey," I cheerfully said.

Aisha looked up at me and immediately fixed her hair. "Riri! I didn't know you were here."

"Oh, I borrowed some recipe books because I am into baking these days. Anyway, is it your spring break?"

"Yeah, but I am studying in advance... because my subjects are pretty challenging."

I nodded and she started fiddling with the energy cans. For a moment, an awkward silence settled between us. I smiled and pointed at an empty seat across from her.

"Can I sit?"

Aisha nodded and she started putting her stacks of books onto the floor. "Yeah, sure. Sorry for the books."

I waved my hand. "No worries, I know college is hard. Hence, the books."

I smiled reassuringly at her. "How are you?"

For a moment, Aisha was caught off-guard with my question. Oh no. Maybe I was being too nosy? I immediately motioned my hand to her, as if saying not to answer if it was uncomfortable.

"No, Riri. It's okay. I'm just surprised because it's been a while since someone asked me how I'm doing. The fact that we were not even that close before, but you checked up on me... is just unexpected."

"Yeah, I understand. Our last interaction was way back when I lost my puke bag and you gave me yours. That was a lifesaver, you know?" I chuckled as memories came back.

"I remember that! Oh, I think I only gave my bag to yours because I'm so scared you'll puke in my lap!" She laughed.

"Nah, why did you have to say that? That was supposed to be a sweet memory, Aisha." I jokingly jabbed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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