learn to share

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"Oh...you're awake?" Jaemin asked as he sneaked his way back into his en suite as the morning sun shone bright through the space where his curtains remained closed. She didn't answer him, she only groaned before standing up from the bed and groggily walking towards his bathroom.

He let out a sigh, wondering what was even going on, why she stayed the night at his place and why she was just acting like this was normal. But what he was wondering most was why he didn't feel the need to change the way things were, or maybe his senses just hadn't kicked in yet.

He walked towards his curtains, peering the thick grey cloth open and squinting his eyes at the bright light that shone right through, illuminating his usually clean room that had her clothes thrown in random places. He cocked his head to the side, picking up a white bra with his fingers from the floor before placing it on the bed that he had to organise as well.

"What are you doing?" Jaemin asked, his senses finally kicking in as he stood by the bathroom that was left ajar, opening it wider to look at her through his mirror while she brushed her teeth

"Getting ready for work" she answered simply and he scoffed

"I meant at my place. What are you doing in my house?" He asked again with a scoff and she looked over her shoulder to meet his eyes

"Getting ready for work" she answered again and his eyes widened as he looked at the blue toothbrush in her hand

"Is that my toothbrush?" He asked with slight disbelief as she took the plastic brush out of her mouth and spit out her toothpaste

"Yeah" she shrugged and he rushed over to her, grabbing it out of her hands while she rinsed her face with the nearest face wash she could find as well

"You know how gross that is?! There's germs on these things—"

"Streptococcus mutans, causes cavities and decays, 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate for treatment" she answered back, standing upright and squinting her eyes to look for a towel which Jaemin was quick to hide to away from her

"Learn to share, Jesus" she mumbled, tugging on his loose white shirt and patting her face against the fabric instead as he watched her frozen in his place as she pat his shoulder and walked past him. He looked down at the big wet patch on his shirt that had a few marks from her washed off make up. He took in a deep breath and turned around, freezing up again at the sight of her pulling up her blue uniform pants, wiggling her ass slightly to fit them on before he could find his words again

"I shouldn't have to share anything—this is my house...and this my toothbrush" Jaemin said with a visible frown and she rolled her eyes turning back around to him, watching his eyes land on her bra covered chest immediately

"Just run it over hot water to sterilise it. Stop whining" she said making him blink twice before he quickly closed the door to his bathroom, locking it shut.

"You want a coffee too?" She asked

"Yea—no wait, there's only enough for one cup. I forgot to buy—"

"Oh bummer. I'll just help myself then" she said, leaving his bedroom

"Wait no! Areum I need my morning coffee, I'm serious! Are you...are you still there?" He asked through the door to get not answer from her. He lightly banged his head against his door, letting out an annoyed groan.

He quickly rushed his morning routine, getting dressed into his work clothes before heading down the hallway to stop her from causing more damage to his usually peaceful mornings. He stopped in his tracks as he laid his eyes on her sitting at the circular dining table, sipping a cup of coffee out of his favourite mug.

"This is good coffee. You should get more of this" she said, taking another sip and he scoffed, running a hand through his blonde strands and trying not to tug his hair off his head.

"You know this is basically trespassing right? This surely has to be breaking in and entering" he said, still in shock to how bad his morning had started before his his 10 hour shift at the hospital. Friday were always his longest days, the days he preferred to be prepared for to avoid crashing during the day. The days he needed that morning coffee.

He poured himself a bowl of cereal while letting out a string of cursed under his breath as he kept throwing an occasional glare towards her. She smirked as she took her final gulp of the coffee that was far too strong for her taste that she milked down. And she knowingly looked towards Jaemin who closed his fridge door with an annoyed sigh, turning back towards her with his hands on his hips

"You used up the milk?" He asked watching her smile innocently at him as she stood up from her chair and walked to the kitchen

"You really need to go grocery shopping" she said with a simple shrug, placing her used coffee mug in the sink before rooting through his cabinets

"You're not gonna wash your cup?" He asked as he felt his temper rising. She looked over her shoulder towards him, raising up an eyebrow

"Why? Does it piss you off?" She asked and he let out a dark chuckle, realising she was doing all this simply to get a reaction from him

"Not at all" he mumbled, watching her reach for a breakfast bar in his cupboard

"Sorry...it's the last one" she said, turning to him with a fake smile making him tense his jaw

"That's okay." He forced out with a fake smile and she smiled back

"I'll see you at the hospital then. You use the staff car park right?" She asked and he let out an amused laugh

"You're hardly taking my car...right?" He asked, his smile dropping slightly as he watched her walk towards him, trapping him between her and his fridge making a few magnets fall down to the ground. His breath hitched in his throat as she brought her face closer to his, their lips just inches apart.

"Now that's actually a great idea" she smirked, her fingers reaching into his pant pocket to take his car keys before he could stop her.

"See you at work" she said simply, walking away from. He let out a sigh as he could finally breathe again. He blinked twice as he replayed her last few statements, eyes widening as his feet picked up to run into his hallway at the realisation that she was taking his car to work

"Jung Areum!" He shouted, but it was too late. Her shoes were nowhere to be found and probably his car too. He let out an audible deep scream in frustration, and unbeknownst to him, Areum stood at the other side of the closed door with a proud smirk on her lips.

Welcome to hell, Nades.

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