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                         Demonic Awakening

I've never seen Atticus move like that, not even when Ombran possessed him. It was as if his shadow moved with him, his claws were completely different, instead of black talons they were hooked and shadowy.

His eyes were black and purple, pupils slit. "I thought the demons were supposed to be superior to the fae, this is a mockery!" He taunted, his obsidian claws clashing with the demoness' green ones, black and green sparks were arcing through the air when they met.

If I were still human I don't think I'd be able to keep up with them. Atticus grinned maniacally, his teeth had sharpened into fangs.

"What vicious tenacity, it's like he's a whole different person," Levana said, staring with wrapped attention. Soryn stood silent, observing the battle studiously. His red eyes flickered with mild fascination.

"Ahh!" She cried out as Atticus's claws racked down her scaly arm leaving a trail of black blood and peeling flesh in their wake. Atticus laughed, a sound so cruel you wouldn't know the difference between the demon and fae. He licked the blood off his finger in a slow almost seductive motion.

"I am known as Erna Demon Lieutenant of the Demon General Of Envy, I will not lose to a fae child!" She roared, spittle and blood flying from her mouth.

"Demon blood tastes surprisingly good despite  its vile color." He drawled, ignoring her and licking his bloodstained lips. "You'd make a fine demon yourself, fae prick!" Erna said through gritted teeth.

He laughed, a cold humorless sound that sent shivers up my spine. My power pricked under my skin Itching to be released. Soryn was watching the battle looking as interested in joining as I did. "Should we get out of here while they are fighting?" Levana asked despite the look of awe she had while looking at Atticus. I glared at her, mildly angry at the fact she'd even mention abandoning my mate during a fight.

"Only cowards run mutt." I snapped, gold and red energy crackling in my palms. Levana whipped her head toward me her silver eyes boiling. "Call me a mutt again half-breed, and I'll ground you to dust." She snarled back, baring fangs as big as my arm. "You want to find out what happened to the last thing who called me a half-bred?" I retorted, my body heating  with power.

"Although, I don't think you can considering she's nothing more than a pile of ash. Perhaps you'd like to join her?" I smiled cruelly, putting as much venom and malice into my words as I could. Suddenly the temperature dropped and silver frost began to cover my feet only to sizzle and evaporate once in contact with my heated skin.

"I have killed more demons and fae in countless battles compared to you. You're not even a warm-up little bug." She snapped back her eyes as cold as a blade covered in frost.

"Oh, I'll warm you up alright!" I said, as something wholly other crept into my voice seeping into my bones, coursing through my veins and I saw red.

  My body began to grow, red and gold scales began to appear on my hands and arms. My long fingernails lengthened into wicked gold talons curving with terrifying grace, my wings shed their white feathers, replaced by a fleshy membrane, golden talons at their peaks.

  My jawline began to grow as 5-inch long fangs grew from my mouth my tongue forked and flicked outward, tasting the stale cave air. Massive horns curved from my head, their tips a molten red. Gold and crimson armor appeared, covering every inch of my body like a second skin, the strange metal humming with heat and power. My sword shifted, its metal hilt transforming into a scaly leather handle.
  The blade changed, separating and lengthening into a massive red and gold whip, tiny razor-sharp blades on fire. I cracked the whip sending sparks scattering.

"I'll rip your tongue from your maw and feed it to the worms, dog!" I snarled, my voice deep, otherworldly, and wholly viscous. I lunged forward, cracking my whip towards the wolf. It hit its mark, the sizzling of flesh and acrid smell of burning fur sent my bloodlust into overdrive.  Levana howled in pain, the same howl Atticus and I heard before our meeting.

I grinned cruelly, my fangs dripped saliva that turned to molten lava mid-fall. "I thought you were a half-fae. How are you a demon!?" She asked, bewilderment making her falter. I advanced, launching myself into the air, the feel of wind blowing through my newly transformed wings sending euphoria through me.

"Frankly, I don't know or care so fight me or die!" I shout, shooting toward the massive beast, my whip shifting into a sword, now wreathed in black red, and gold fire.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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