Under the willow tree

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Two lovers were under the willow tree on that glorious summer day. The breeze was warm and the sky was clear. No rain was expected today. Not on this perfect summers day. The lovers were loved by one another, and they both completed eachothers song. But the woman under the willow tree sang a different song. A song of death. The breeze grew cold and the mist that was never there before closed in. The two lovers looked up and the clear sky from the perfect summers day was now black with the moon high in the sky. The trees around them lost their leaves, and the birds that were singing dropped dead from the trees. Ropes hung down off the branches of the willow tree, and the woman in the willow tree began to sing her song.

"Under the willow,
Under the treeee,
Under the willow,
Is where you will no longer beeee,
You will be high,
High in the skyyyy,
Up in the clouds,
Sprits with no miiiiind,
From ropes you will hang,
And your love will be in straands."

The lovers died hanging that fateful day. Under the willow tree.

And so will you. Say hi to the woman in the willow tree. And maybe she'll let you sing her song before you die with a necklace of rope to make you fly.

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