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Chapter Eight: Best Next Move

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Holy shit, I was sure Lex was going to kill me. The way he came at me, his eyes a molten orange...

But then he just...left. Even after I nearly took his face off. He deserved it, though. That asshole, that absolute asshole.

I run over and try the door, knowing it's going to be locked. But I still start crying when I jiggle the handle and it doesn't turn.

He locked me in. I'm trapped here, held prisoner by a man I hate more than anything else.

You don't hate him, Kaelyn, my wolf tries to soothe me.

I do, I insist.

But my wolf is sort of right. Hate isn't the only thing I feel for him. It's just the primary one.

I go to the windows and shutter them, one by one, sealing the room from any hint of sunlight. Then I crawl under the covers even though it's barely noon.

And I cry.

I cry because I miss my own bed. I cry because I miss Aunt Cinda. I even cry for Lex's mom. She always had a quick wink and caramel in her pocket for me. She was the first to come running when I fell and scraped my knee, trying to chase Lex.

Spirits, he's been an asshole since I was five. But then again, what ten year old wants to hang out with a "little baby," as he used to call me?

What am I going to do? There's no way out. I checked the windows. They're bolted shut, small, and we're four floors up at least.

The Shadowclaws are filthy rich. And still, Lex feels the need to keep me prisoner? He could just buy a girl. Why can't he let me go?

He can't buy a Mate, my wolf rolls her eyes.

He acts like he hates my guts, I say back. I know he hates my guts. At least a little.

Lex, of course, does not hate you. But I know what you're talking about, Kae, she concedes, I've smelled it too. It's...complicated. Since he marked me, I'm finding that I can smell him a little stronger. Things like anger and hate I get in faint waves.

I'm supposed to be slammed by it, essentially feel what he's feeling, but, not surprisingly, it feels like there's something blocking the way. Not a full one, but it's enough that I feel only a trickle, not a river, of his feelings.

I wish I could block him the whole damn way.

But as it is, I'm forced to feel the singe of his bitterness and bile. And then, of course, that's not the only thing I feel.

What about when he was checking my temperature and asking if I was okay? I felt a rush of concern, a keen longing to see me protected. That had to be his wolf. Not Lex, his wolf.

I hear my wolf growl, and I'm suddenly struck with an image:

Our wolves are running together underneath the moonlight. My silver fur is pressed against his, black as night, only just for a heartbeat, because then I'm flying ahead, laughing and howling as he tries to keep pace.

I close my eyes and bury myself further under the covers.

That was cruel, I say miserably to my wolf.

Just think about it, Kaelyn, she says gently. Every night could be like that. And like last night. Mmmm, my wolf is purring. Like a damn cat. Remember last night?

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