update Schedule

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Attn: I had major eye surgery in April 2024 (another surgery is upcoming in August 2024). These surgeries make it more challenging to use the PC (and especially my phone) to type up new content.

I have new story ideas in my head that I've been compilinng on a word document, (to ensure I don't forget stuff from April to August 2024). Hopefully, if all goes well, I can begin tyurning those bullet point ideas into story content by Sept 2024 (not sure how long recovery will be from the second surgery).

I wanted to give a tentative timeline for anyone reading my stuff at present and going forwards (I owe it to my audience, regardless  of the size of that audience).

Thanks to anyone reading this for your patience(and for getting through any spelling errors herein).

If anyone wants to post story ideas, feel free to comment here, or message me direcrly.

Note: I mainly write Scout/Pyro (and genderbends of those characters) but I'm open to other pairings (just not Mesic/Scout or ant non-co type things).

Take care ya'll, and thanks again for your patience.


Scout x Fem Pyro DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now