Chapter 2

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Luna blows out smoke as she crossed an arm over her waist annoyed "what the hell are you doing here Damien"she says taking another drag.

"Yeah"Tiffany agreed with a smirk.

"Come on guys let me in I'll catch my death out here"Damien says as rain pours down on him.

"Now there's a thought"Luna says with a smirk walking away from the door as Tiffany let Damien inside as he coughs when Tiffany blows smoke in his face as he closes the door.

"So how was y'all's day"he asked with a smile taking off his coat as he hangs it up.

Tiffany shrugs her shoulders taking a puff "same old same old"she says before blowing out smirk as Damien pulls out a picture from his back pocket.

"Check it out"he says as he hands the photo with a smirk to Tiffany who gasp as he sits down at the dining table making him self at home.

"Luna come look at this"Tiffany says with a smile as Luna looks over the photo as Tiffany was getting hyped up as Damien grins she looks closely at the dead person with a bloody face before recognizing the persons fingernail polish.

"Tiff"she whispered as she pointed it out as Tiffany looks closely at the picture again before holding the picture in front of Damien.

"You know Damien we recognize the person in the picture the fingernail polish looks familiar"Tiffany says as Damien looks at his nails as he cursed as Tiffany glares as Luna rolls her eyes as she walks away before stopping seeing the doll gone as there were little footsteps in the sand as she smirks.

Tiffany throws the picture at Damien's head with a glare"pathetic worm"she says as she walks past Luna before stopping as she gasp softly as she slowly turns around seeing the doll gone as she and Luna share smiles as they look around as Damien complained while looking for his picture before Tiffany looks at the couch as she smirks throwing away her cigarette.

"Damien could you see if my lip stick is behind the sofa"Tiffany asked with a seductive smile as she then made Damien crawl over to them as he lays on his back feeling underneath but doesn't find anything.

"I don't --"he says before jumping when a Brown tarantula lands on his face slowly crawling as he lays still.

"Oh Charlie how did you get out again"Luna says with a smile as she gently cups Charlie into her hand as she humming as she puts him back in his cage as Damien shivers getting up.

The girls look around before looking at the bed in as they share smirks as Tiffany walks over as she gets on her hands and knees looking underneath but doesn't see anything as Damien walks in with a smirk kneeling on her bed "well girls here we are"he says as they ignore him as they continue to look for Chucky as he sighs messing with the web chandelier.

"How long have the three of us been out for now don't yall think you both keep me waiting long enough"Damien asked as the girls.

"Nope"Luna says with a sarcastic smile before going back to look for Chucky with Tiffany but no luck as the girls sigh sitting on the couch as Damien lays on there bed.

"Do you know what the French call an orgasm"he says as he turns over onto his side "La petite morte"he says as he trys to act seductively as he takes a off his shirt throwing it to the side as he looks at them with lust leaning back on his arms with a smirk "the little death"he says.

The girls ignore him as the continue to look around but he was desperate "come of girls let's die alitte"he says with a smirk under the covers as lighting flashes as Chucky appears between Luna and Tiffany as she screams as Luna was breathing heavily before Damien walks over with a groan holding his back as he sits by Tiffany before picking up Chucky as Luna watches amused as he mocks Chucky not knowing he's only pissing him off more as he laughs throwing Chucky into a corner.

"Hey Damien you want to play with us"Luna says with a seductive smile as the girls push up the chest as he stares at them "okay"he says.

Luna changed into a dark emerald green corset with black lace as her chest was held firmly with black lingerie panties with thigh high black boots as her hair in curls with fishnet cloves as Tiffany was in a purple set lingerie with fishnet stockings and black boots and gloves as they handcuffed Damien to the bed as he was in his black leather underwear with black hole socks.

Tiffany sets Chucky down on Damien's stomach as they start to dance for the both of them as Tiffany does her own seductive dance luna sways her hips doing a seductive dance as she flips her hair before grabbing the railing above her as she twirls giving a good few of her ass to the two man before slowly crunching spreading her legs as she runs her hands over her legs as she secretly winked at Chucky as she slowly sways her hips standing back up as Damien fidgets as he watches the to girls with lust not knowing what's in-store for him.

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