The aquarium

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As the bus finally came to a stop, everyone started waking up from their short slumber. Once Vanessa and Natalie woke up they realized that they finally arrived to the destination the Aquarium.

Vanessa and Natalie got their stuff before checking on Eliana and Dom to make sure they're awake, which they in fact were not. "WAKE UP!" Vanessa yelled into Eliana and Dom's ear, which causes the two to jump in their seats. "omg Vanessa I'm actually gonna slap the fuck out of you" Eliana said still trying to process what was happening while getting her stuff. Dom laughed at Eliana's reaction before colliding their hands together before pulling her towards the entrance of the bus with Vanessa and Natalie following behind them snickering and giggling to eachother about Dom's action.

Once they entered the building the teacher separated the group in pairs of two, "I'll let you guys pick your partners but always be careful and stay together at all times" once the teacher finishes she waits for the kids to get together. "Natalie wanna be part-" Eliana stops when she sees Natalie rushing to Vanessa wrapping her arm over Nessa's "I'm going to be with Vanessa you can go be with Dom" Natalie says with a small smile making Vanessa laugh "okay then" Eliana says awkwardly turning around now  walking towards Dominique "Dom wanna be partners?" Eliana says looking at Dom who is looking down on her phone, as soon as Dom looked up to face the person talking to her a slight smirk appeared on her face "the universe just loves us together huh" Dominique says with a slight laugh making Eliana blush lightly "yeah I'd like that now let's go see the sharks" Dom says while reaching out for Eliana's hand interwinding their fingers together.

Once they arrived at the shark exhibit Eliana stared at the sharks in awe. "They're so beautiful" Eliana said while squeezing Dom's hand and looking at the sharks like she's a kid who just tried candy for the first time. Eliana saying this makes Dom turn to look in her direction "yeah they're beautiful" Dom says while still keeping her eyes on Eliana.

As the girls continue to admire the sharks Dom finally speaks up "well is there anything you want to go see Elli?" Dom says with a soft tone "hm.. OH! Yeah let's go see the jellyfish!! I love jellyfish" Eliana says with a voice full of joy making Dominique awe at the view in front of her "okay then jellyfish it is" Dom says while gently pulling Eliana's hand now walking beside her.

On the way to the jellyfish Dominique noticed a gift shop "Elli look! Wanna go see what they have?" Dom asks with a smile "yeah sure" Eliana says now walking towards the store with Dom.

Once the girls made it in the store they couldn't help but gasp at the sight of all the cool toys and accessories they had. The girls began to walk around the store until Eliana stops in front of a certain accessories, it was a matching pink and blue jellyfish hanging phone charm, "OMG DOM WE HAVE TO GET THESE WE COULD MATCH!" Eliana exclaimed excitedly while looking Dom in the eyes. Dom looked into Eliana's excited eyes fascinated by the soft sparkles in her eyes from the excitement. "You wanna match?" Dom says in a low tone  as well as having a grin on her face now moving closer to Eliana. Eliana still looking at the accessories not realizing how close Dom was getting until she turned to face her now frozen staring into Dom's eyes only inches apart from each other. As the two stare at each other Dom can't help but smirk now moving her eyes down to Eliana's lips. Eliana realizing this made her blush lightly. Once Dom saw this she moved back and laughed to herself softly "okay then we'll get these so we can match" Dom says while pulling Eliana towards the cashier. As the girls make their way in line Eliana began to take out her wallet. Doing this catches Dom's eye now looking at Eliana confused "what are you doing?" Dom asks looking down at Eliana smiling softly "oh I'm getting my money to pay" Eliana says looking up with a smile before looking down to her wallet "don't stress. I'll pay" Dominique says walking up to the cashier handing her own card to pay. Eliana couldn't help but smile watching the view in front of her.

As the girls walk out the store Eliana is giggling admiring her new phone charm while Dom is admiring Eliana "you really like jellyfish huh?" Dom asks with a soft tone making Eliana turn to her nodding "I love them" Eliana says now showing Dominique her jellyfish phone wallpaper causing Dom to let out a soft chuckle "you wait here okay?" Dominique says pointing at a bench "oh okay. Where are you going?" Eliana says confused "I forgot something in the store" Dom says while Speed walking into the store before Eliana could ask another question. Eliana couldn't help but pout to herself but slowly smile after looking at her new charm.

As Dominique walks into the store she hurries towards this one section that caught her eye the last time she was with Eliana. Once she finally gets a hold of it she heads to the cashier.
"Oh! Back already" the cashier says with a welcoming smile making Dom smile and nod
"Yes, I'm getting something for the girl I was just here with" Dom says handing the cashier the card
"How cute! Are you two together?" The woman says while scanning the object. "No she's just someone very special to me" Dom says with a soft tone grabbing the bag from the women "well either way that's very nice of you. Have a good one!" The woman says with a smile making Dom smile back "you too" Dominique says now while walking out of the store.

As Dominique shoves the gift into her bag she starts making her way back to eliana.

"Elli im back" Dom says with a smile "what did you need from the store?" Eliana asks confused "I thought I forgot my earbuds turns out they were in my pocket" Dominique says with a soft laugh as Eliana smiles "you're so stupid" Eliana says laughing hitting Dom's arm softly while Dom just smiles at her admiring her laugh. "Guys we are already getting ready to leave please meet up at the Entrance" a staff member from the school says while walking away to inform others. "Awhh we didn't get to see the jellyfish" Eliana pouts catching Dom's eye "it's my fault for taking so long. Sorry Elli" Dom says with a disappointed tone looking anywhere but Eliana. "It's fine. Spending today with you was just as fun"
Eliana says smiling causing Dom to look at Eliana with a soft smirk "I'm glad you had fun" Dom says now smiling at Eliana making Eliana blush lightly "we should get going before they forget us" Dom says with a light chuckle.

While walking the two were talking about the fish and different types of things that caught their eye on the way back as well as meeting up with the others. "ELIANA DID YOU SEE THE JELLYFISH? THEY WERE SO PRETTY" Vanessa said smiling excitedly "no I didn't but we bought matching charms!!" Eliana says smiling showing off her new accessory "ooo" Vanessa says smirking at Dom but quickly looking back at Eliana "so y'all are matching" Vanessa says teasingly "yup!! They're so cute right!" Eliana says smiling "yup! You two are adorable" Vanessa says laughing before running towards Natalie to get on the bus "did you hear that?" Dom asks awkwardly "hear what?" Eliana says confused "oh nothing" Dom laughs while gently intertwining their hands together while getting on the bus.

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