1000 years, from now

18 1 0

It was the time when I was sleeping on my bed. The next I woke up, I felt like I had a genuine long dream. I realised tears flowing down my eyes out of the clear blue sky. Were those something called as the joyful tears ? Or did it carried sorrow with it ? I am not sure!

The next moment, I heard someone yelling "ZUFISHA!" No sooner I glimsed out of the window than I noticed, it was 'Joel' - One of my dearest friend. He was waiting for me down there like he always do. I came all the way downstairs from my castle and as I pulled attention to his eyes, I felt very happy and heart felt as if it was the only two of us.

Joel grasped my left hand with his left hand and hurriedly sprinted all the way through the stalls and markets enhancing the fresh and sweet aroma of spices. We headed to the most peaceful place in our town where we usually visit. The peaceful place was located in the ruins of the forest where no people lived. Especially today I was the most happiest around him, i wanted to tell him that i love being with him and to spend time with him but... um.. this happiness didn't last long. As soon as we reached the place. We noticed that we were surrounded around bunch of people. It seemed as if they found this place and were waiting for us to visit. As i was the princess of the town, there were alot of delinquents who were seeking a chance to hold ransom from me and this was the major reason that my father never let me step out of the castle. Whenever I stepped out of the castle, it was only for joel. This was the only hideout me and joel would knew about.. no one in the town possibly came here. Hence, we were just teens and we played or spend our times here in our free time. We tried to run for our lives but it was worthless. There were alot of them. Our eyes were trembling with fear and our body were shivering as we lacked strength. They caught us and tied us to the tree. Later on, I figured out something but i ought to have patience for them to leave before I execute it. All I planned was to use the bark of the tree to untie my hands and grab the shotgun which was lying in front of me to threat them.

After an hour or two, I was finally left beside alone with joel. When i looked at his face, he seemed unconscious. Taking the advantage of the situation I untied myself as well as joel. I picked up the shotgun and tried escaping but the next second, out of nowhere- One of their men checked upon us as he returned and aimed his gun on my head. His eyes were red filled with terror and he seemed unfazed. His fingers were on the pinch of the trigger. I was terrified and for the sake of self protection,I used the shotgun to shoot him before he do.. though I knew that would've been a crime I might commit but it was important. The moment I pulled the trigger.... i was terrifically jumpscares because.. joel jumped infront that bullet, not just one but he was shot with multiple bullets from the shotgun I fired from.. my hands were shaking and the gun slipped away from my hand. The guy who was about to shoot me later noticed that there was no bullets gauge in his revolver. He was scared and terrified from that shot, he hurriedly ran to get helping hands from his comrades.

I carried joel on my back and started running back from the forest. This is what joel said to me," I am happy that I died by your hand.. im fulfiled, Goodbye!"

His eyes slowly closed as he said this phrase and I was crying my voice out. I ran to a safer place carrying him on my back and rested him down under a tree. The small rays of sunshine passing through the leaves on the tree passed on his body. Inspite of all this, respecting his sacrifice I started running toward the town. My head was spinning imagining joels face infront of my eyes," what did his face told me? Did it defined hope or...

I squinted my eyes as my alarm rings. "That was all a dream ?.... It was a really long dream I ever had." My head still hurts after waking up after an 8 hour sleep.It was the reopening of my school after the summer holidays and I was super excited to visit the school after so long. My schoolbus arrived at 8 in the morning and it headed towards the school as it picked me up. I sat beside the window on the 2nd last row. Suddenly, I heard a girl crying right behind my seat. I was confused and curious. I walked back and offered her my handkerchief. She looked at me with those sleepy and teary eyes and awkwardly said," thank you". I sat beside her to accompany and gently asked her,"what's your name?" and she replied," Zufisha, that's my name."

To be continued..

                                        To be continued

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