Chapter 4.

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The campus looks so great in person than as it did online.

The building looks elegant than expected, people were every where in groups and in pairs.

It really looks intimidating but I guess within a week or two I'll feel like home as well as getting used to living alone.

My orientation was brief and bored, like I almost slept off during the orientation..

After the orientation a lady in her mid thirties I guess hands over my dorm keys to me and I left to the female's dormitory through the aid of the campus map I was given.

" We'll see your dorm before we leave" my aunt says and I just nod.

" Be a good girl, okay!" Dad advise as we walk down the hallway searching for room 019.

" Okay" I reply my eyes darting from one door to the other" it's here.. room 19" I exclaims and they quickly rush towards me, both faces beaming with smiles.

I slide the key into the wooden door, it's cracks open and we walk in.

The room looks quite big and neat, much to my satisfaction and likeness , it has a bed, a desk and a closet on each sides of the room.

On the left side of the room lies a girl with beautiful emerald green eyes and a boy covered in tattoos both had their arms around each other each other and they were staring at us, like were from a different planet.

" Hello" the girl waves, offering a bright smile much to my surprise.
" I'm Cassandra, but prefers to be called Cassie" she says as she climbs off the bed.

" I'm Novella" I reply, sounding a bit awkward.

" Welcome to UCLA, roomie" she walks over me to me and pull me in to a hug, I quickly hugs her back returning her kind gesture.

" Thanks " I whispers before we pulls away from each other "here's my Dad, Mr Roy" I point towards my Dad who quickly waves at her with a little smile. " And here's my aunt, Ms Jennifer"I point towards my aunt who quickly moves closer and cover the gap between them.

" It's nice meeting you, Cassie" she says as soon as they leans away from each other.

" Same here" Cassie replies, smiling from ear to ear.

She's looks nice and jovial, I just hope it's not a pretense cause if it is, UCLA would definitely hear our story.

" Too bad I'm the only one missing out in the introduction" the boy with tattoos on his arms whines, staring at Cassie with a pout.

We all laugh at his sudden outburst. "Poor boy!!" Aunty jenny comments making a sad face.

" So sorry darling" Cassie apologies "Well, y'all meet my lovely boyfriend, Elijah" she says and Elijah's face lit up into a cute smile.

" It's a pleasure meeting you all and Nov, welcome to UCLA , where life gets thrilling every day " he smiles kindly at me, irrespective of his rude appearance.

Maybe not all bad looking guys are bad, cause he seems to be a nice caring guy and I like him genuinely.

" Thanks, Eli" I grin showing off my white sparkling tooth.

"You are welcome" he replies and stands up. " I'll leave now, see you around, Nov" he adds and start heading towards the exit.

" I'll see him off" Cassie rushes over her words and rushes after her boyfriend who already exited the room.

" I like her" Aunty jenny blurts out, as soon as Cassie has left.

" Me too" I smile and collapse onto my bed. " I'm quite lucky to have a nice roomie, I wonder what I'd had done if she wasn't nice"

" Then consider yourself too lucky to have her, cause her kinds are rare" Dad says and I just nod, staring up at the ceiling absent mindedly.

First day of college feels really great, I hope it remains same forever.

After Dad and my aunt are officially gone, I unpack my bags and neatly store my clothes in the closet.

Before going to bed,I gathered my planner and textbooks and wrote down my classes for the semester.

As soon as I turned off my bed side lamp and lie down, the door cracks open and Cassie walks in,I couldn't see if she was alone because it was damn dark but I somehow figured out she was alone due to her heavy foot steps.

" Nov!" She calls as she turns on her bed side lamp.

" Cassie!"I answer.

" Already feeling sleepy??"

" Yeah, it took you really long to see your guy off"

She chuckles " sorry I didn't return as expected" she jumps on to her bed and pull the duvet over her body" it's really bored here at nights, I wish there's a party tonight, I'd have taken you along " she grumbles.

" Ohh" I exclaim, completely short of words.

" You like night partying, don't you??"

" No"

" Why??"

Because I got humiliated two years ago by my playboy boyfriend at a night party.

I want to tell her but restrain myself from doing so, cause it's quite embarrassing..

" Not just a big fan of partying"

" Ohh" she exclaims and turn off her bed side lamp, "well, we'll talk more tomorrow, you should have some sleep, tomorrow is gonna be a long day " she says.

" Good night, then"

" Night, Nov."

To be continued.

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