William - 3

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"Love is ridiculous. But love is also wonderful. And powerful. And Despereaux's love for the Princess Pea would prove, in time, to be all of these things: powerful, wonderful, and ridiculous."

-Kate DiCamillo, The Tale of Despereaux

They were walking into the older area of National City with all the quaint shops and their striped awnings. William was looking around, clearly enjoying himself very much. They told each other things about themselves, never once running out of conversation.

"I'm actually a reporter for the London Times. William Dey." Avril's mouth dropped open, and William put up his hands. "I know, kind of a big deal. But again, I'm on vacation here in the states, so right now I'm just William."

"Alright, Just William." Avril said. He laughed and stumbled on the cobblestone sidewalk. Avril grabbed his shoulder.

"Thanks," he said, steadying himself. Avril hastily took her hand off his shoulder.

"No problem. My work's right here." She pointed to a sign:

"The Reading Nook" William read, a grin on his face and in his voice. "Adorable."

"Just wait till you see the inside, come on." Avril grinned. She held open the door for him: "After you," she gestured grandly.

"Thank you," he bowed, laughing.

The Reading Nook was stacked high with books in shelves all the way up to the ceiling, with a maze of bookshelves crowding the floor. Avril checked in, pinning a small nametag to the front of her sweater.

"Alright, Ms Lark." William said. "You have to work now, I will go."

Avril smiled sympathetically. "Sorry you can't stay... Unless you're perusing the shelves or buying."

"Aha." William laughed.

He walked to the door, caught her eye once more and winked, before disappearing down the cobblestone lined street. Avril realized she'd forgotten to breathe, and sighed. She went about her day, helping people find and pay for books, recommending and checking out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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