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「」⇢ 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧ˊˎ˗ ༉‧₊˚✧Season one, Episode 4 - Phantom Traveller 

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「」⇢ 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧ˊˎ˗ ༉‧₊˚✧
Season one, Episode 4 - Phantom Traveller 

▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃Maddison had always had a weird fascination with airports since she was a child. From what she remembered her family had never actually taken her on a flight but she had vague memories of being a child and her dad taking her to an airport to meet her mum.

She'd been enthralled by the amount of people all around. All of them went to different places for different reasons, they all had a reason to be there much like she did. Though that had been one of the last times she'd ever been to one. Her parents died soon after and from then on her main mode of travel was cars.

She'd never found truck stops to have the same appeal.

The sound of mettle rattling pulled her from her thoughts. She frowned turning to look behind her just to watch both Sam and Dean clear the fence. "Let me guess. You got caught?" Maddie crossed her arms over her chest as she turned, a small smirk playing on her face.

Dean simply shook his head. "Real guys showed up, we got made." Sam nodded as the two reached the car. "We did get something though."

Sam held up a small bag of yellow dust shaking it slightly. Maddie squinted as she looked at the bag a small look of confusion played on her features. "What is that?" Sam shrugged pocketing the bag. "No idea. It made the EMF meter spike though." Sam ran a hand through his hair glancing back at the fence.

"We should probably move before they figure out where we went." Dean looked back before nodding in agreement and pulling open the driver's side door. Sam and Maddie were quick to follow him into the car, Maddie barely getting the door shut before he drove off.

"So where next?" She leaned forward slightly onto Dean's seat. Sam turned back frowning slightly. "Back to the motel to see if we can figure out what this yellow stuff is." Dean nodded keeping his gaze on the road.

He could feel Maddie's breath on his neck as she and Sam continued to speculate on what the mysterious powder could be. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck begin to prick up at her closeness to him as he drove. Clearing his throat he straightened his back slightly keeping his gaze on the road.


Hours later you were no closer to figuring out the mystery substance. The motel room was covered in articles and notes that the three of them had found. Each seemed to contradict another in some sort of way, leaving no clear trail to follow.

The room had been quiet for a while before Sam looked up from his laptop. He cleared his throat to catch the other's attention before speaking. "So, every religion in every world culture has the concept of demons and demonic possession, right." He flipped his laptop to show an article he'd been reading. Maddie leaned in slightly from her seat opposite him, her eyes skimming the words.

Dean placed the article he'd been reading down on the bed turning his attention to his brother. "Yeah, but none of them describe anything like this." He gestured to the walls settling back into the bed.

Sam shook his head spinning the laptop back to him. "Well, that's not exactly true. You see according to Japanese beliefs, certain demons are behind certain disasters, both natural and man-made. One causes earthquakes, another disease."

Maddie stared at him for a moment before flattening her hands on the table. She looked back down to the article she'd been reading before. "This one causes plane crashes?" She questioned looking over to the younger man.

The whole idea sounded insane to her. Demons? That was something they'd never dealt with and something she never hoped to deal with. The thought alone sent shivers down her spine. Sam nodded watching as Dean stood from the bed and came to stand behind Maddie.

Placing his hands on the back of the chair he leaned over her shoulder slightly, eyeing what she had been reading. "So we have a demon that's evolved with the times and found a way to ratchet up the body count?" He looked at his brother with a slight look of disbelief on his face.

They didn't deal with demons. Sam ignored both Dean and Maddie's looks continuing to explain his theory. "Yeah. You know, who knows how many planes it'd brought down before this one?" He shrugged.

Maddie turned her head catching Dean's eye who simply frowned at her for a moment before shaking his head. A quiet snicker left his lips.

Sam looked to his brother unimpressed. "What?"

He looked at the girl who was watching Dean as he moved around the room. She turned back to Sam who looked at her silently pleading for her to take his side.

"Sam, are you sure? A demon is a big thing." She cautioned as Dean nodded along halting his pacing. "She's right. This isn't our normal gig. I mean, demons, they don't want anything, just death and destruction for its own sake." His tone was laced with uncertainty as he spoke. It wasn't often Dean felt out of his depth yet right now he did.

"This is big." He came back to his original spot behind Maddie. "And I wish Dad was here."

Sam was quiet for a moment before agreeing with his brother.

The three fell into a comfortable silence as they all thought over what this could mean for them. Demons were a whole new ballpark, they weren't like anything else a hunter faced day to day.

The sound of a phone ringing pierced through the room. Dean cursed quietly reaching into his pocket and answering the call. As he spoke Sam went back to his laptop but just as Maddison was about to carry on with her article a small shiver racked her body.

The feeling of a hand rubbing over her shoulder sent a rush of heat running through her. The air seemed to escape her lungs as her mind registered who that hand belonged to. Dean Winchester.

The action seemed completely unintentional, he was more than engrossed in the call and seemed to be directing all his attention towards it. She felt the heat slowly rise to her cheeks as she picked up the article, using it to shield her face.

As he spoke his hand continued the gentle motion against her shoulder only halting when he ended the call.

A small wave of disappointment hit her as his hand stilled but much to her surprise stayed on her shoulder. "Another crash?" Sam looked up and Dean nodded.

Maddie cleared her throat trying to push away the butterflies which seemed to be quickly swarming her stomach "Where?"

"Nazareth," Dean responded squeezing her shoulder slightly. The moment caused her breath to catch again quietly.

Sam stood from his seat closing his laptop. He quickly turned to put it away as Dean stepped back tapping her lightly on the head.

"Let's go." 


It's been awhile omg

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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