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Kiri stood Idly by playing a game on his phone when he started to notice Y/N's blue hue start to fade. Suddenly the glow had vanished and Y/N fluttered her eyes open.

"Katsu?" I said as I slowly took in my surroundings, looking for where he might be. "Y/n you're awake!" Kiri shouted. I winced at his loudness and felt confused as to where we were. It seemed like a rest stop somewhere. Did we start heading home? I don't remember saying goodbye to Katsuki. Did I fall asleep in the car? No but I'm outside the car? "Kiri, what happened, where are we?"

In what seemed like a blink of an eye I was snatched right out of my chair and was being propelled in the air. I started to scream when I noticed that whomever had a hold of me was bringing a cloth close to my face. It didn't matter how hard I tried everything was moving too fast for me to do anything about it. The last thing I remember was seeing Katsuki using his quirk to blast himself in the air and stretching his arm out to get me. I managed to say "Kats" before whatever was on that cloth knocked me out.

Authors POV.

Bakugou had already made his way inside the massive rest stop and found a Raman shop that was on the far right corner. The place was pretty crowded and not many people noticed him since they were all in casual clothing. He was online to get some spicy Raman when he heard Mina shouting towards him. Annoyed he jerked his head towards her to see that something must be wrong because she had the look of concern in her eyes as she hopped up and down and pointed towards Jiro. "What is it?!" He shouted back at them feeling confused.  "ITS Y/N SHES AWAKE, JIRO HERD HER TALKING TO KIRI!!!"

His eyes widened feeling overwhelmed with emotions. Excited that she's awake, worried about what her state would be? Angry that this is the first time that he's left her side and now she's awake. One thing be knew for sure was that he and to get to Y/N as fast as he could. Thankful for the high ceilings he screamed at the crowed to backup away from him as he used his quirk to blast into the air. "OUT OF MY WAY!!!" He shouts as the crowed runs frantically to do as he says. He makes a series of sharp turns before pushing himself out the front doors.

He smiled when he saw you talking to Kirishima but his smile quickly faded when you suddenly turned into a blur. Something, no, someone had a hold of you and was moving so fast that you were nearly impossible to see. Y/N!!! He shouted with a mix of rage and concern as he blasted himself as fast as he could up towards where you were being pulled. He could see you now, but the person who had you was dressed in a grey bodysuit with a mask around their face and head, with the fast movement and the color fading into the air the only thing he could make out clearly was that it was a man. Her eyes were open, the bluish glow that once surrounded her had vanished. She looked scared and confused which made him feel the angriest he's ever been at whomever was trying to take you away from him. For a moment their eyes met as he stared deeply into hers as he reached out his arm. She tried to move her hand that was being crushed to her sides by the mysterious kidnapper.

For a second their fingers touched as the man loosened his grip to put a cloth in front of Y/Ns faces. She felt so cold next to his fiery fingertips. The brief moment of hope was gone when Bakugou realized they were going higher and higher into the air to the point where the air was getting difficult to breathe. Before the cloth touched her lips Y/N shouted his name or at least most of it before she was muffled and soon passed out. He used every ounce of his power to propel himself farther into the air despite the feeling that he too would soon pass out due to the lack of oxygen in the air. His efforts were in vain as her body vanished inside a sleek silver jet as the doors closed and something inside Katsuki broke.

Using every ounce of strength he plunged himself forward... but it wasn't enough. The jet moved even higher above the clouds where the air was even thinner and there was hardly any viable oxygen left for him to breathe. He didn't want something as stupid as oxygen to get in his way but he is after all only human. As he reached his hand out to grip the tail end of the jet he started to fall out of the sky. His speed of falling only seemed to increase as he blew through cloud after cloud. Internally he battled with himself, with the guilt that he had lost you, that he allowed you to be taken from him in the brief moment that he had left your side, that he wasn't able to save you, something the aspiring number one hero should no doubtably be able to do.

As he got closer to the ground something inside him willed him to awaken. He knew he had to save you, that he wouldn't be able to save you if he falls now to his death, and death? No way is Katsuki Bakugou going to die from falling out of the sky. Just as he was about to hit the ground he found his body surrounded by Sero's tape. "He must have swung himself on top of the building to get a good angle to grab me" Bakugou thought to himself. Now that he was conscious the reality of the situation started to sink back in.

Tears threatened to fill his eyes but the emotion of anger and guilt was more powerful than sadness. "KAT, I'm SO SORRY BRO, I WAS WIRH HER, SHE WAS...SHE WAS RIGHT HERE AND I...I..." Kirishima stuttered over and over spouting out what he attempted to be a coherent sentence but the situation was too much for any of them. Sero unwrapped Bakugou and stood silently staring at the ground, Bakugou did the same as Mina cried out. "WHAT DO WE DO!" Jiro shouted as he clung to Kaminari's arm with one hand and used her other to pat Mina's back.

"We get her back" Bakugou says in a low growl that as almost too quiet to hear. "OF COURSE WE WILL!!" Kiri shouts with his fist in the air. "Hell yeah we will" Kaminari adds nodding his head. "And then...." Bakugou says raising his head just slightly as he moves his eyes away from the ground to face his friends. "I'm going to kill the bastard that took her from me." He moved his eyes away from his friends as he faced nothingness and walked away in no particular direction. His calmness was eerie, and out of character. They knew that in that moment alone he was completely serious with his threat and could they blame him? Will they stop him?

Seconds latter a huge explosion along with the loudest scream anyone's ever heard was coming from the direction in which he had walked off to. No damages were done, none that could be seen anyway since he was in an empty stretch of the massive parking lot. However the sky was left with steaks of orange and smoke, lots of smoke. He was breathing heavy on his knees as he repeatedly sent blasts into the air while screaming at the top of his lungs. The last thing he screamed before passing out was "I WILL MURDER YOU!"

Time skip

When Bakugou came to his senses he found that Sero had already made a series of phone calls to air patrol and the accompanied flying hero teams to secure a location on the aircraft. While they weren't able to stop the jet one hero was able to throw a tracker on it which was latter discovered but it gave them enough of a lead to locate it from its landing point. It landed in the countryside of Japan where a team was already on their way to track it down. There search was deemed unsuccessful when they located the empty jet...

It's been over a week now since the kidnapping of Y/N. Bakugou went out to the Oceanside to clear his head and to feel closer to her. He looked up at the moon as she often did trying to find some kind of comfort that she always found. Feeling more lonely than he's ever felt he looked back down to the water and saw that it had just the tiniest hint of a blue hue. But why? The water always reflects the sky, but the sky is dark. Only the glimmer of the moonlight is visible. He looked up to the sky for some answers but looked back down to the water when he was sure that it wasn't a reflection. "Y/N..." he whispered as he tossed off his shoes to take a step into the frigid water. He felt nothing bud the hue was still just barely there. Part of him felt like he was making this up, that his mind was playing tricks on him, that he's an idiot who's now knee deep in the water bound to get eaten by sharks or something.

But still the spark of hope that was lit but that hue had him intrigued. "Y/n? Are you there?" Still nothing. He moved in deeper into the water about to give up when suddenly he felt something grab him. Startled he jumped up and quickly thrashed his arms around. But nothing was found. No fish, not even a trace of seaweed. "What the hell?" Feeling curious he took another step into the water. He felt it again. It wasn't something in the water that was grabbing him it was the water itself. "Y/N!!!" Yes it has to be her! He thought to himself. "Y/N PLEASE TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE! He shouts as he starts to sob. He can feel the water pulling him in and he takes the hint to submerge himself. That's when he heard it. It was her voice, barely audible but there.

"Katsuki, I found you..."

(Bakugou&y/n) The Sun and The MoonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя