Month and Day

18 1 7

Your Birth Month

January- Frost

February- Magic

March- Clover

April- Rain

May- Flower

June- Sun

July- Fire

August- Leaf

September- Fallen

October- Pumpkin

November- Amber

December- Snow

Birth Date

1- claw

2- foot

3- tail

4- stripe

5- cloud

6- nose

7- star

8- shade

9- heart

10- light

12- fur

13- ear

14-16- mouth, eye, kit

17-19- shine, burst, fire

20-22- shadow, paw, echo

23-25- song, breeze, flight

26-28- pool, feather, blaze

29-31- print, tuft, jaw

I got Firefoot! What did you get?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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