Chapter 8

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"What the hell are we going to do John?" She asked him as he packed his bag.

After Sarah's reveal, she had stormed off into the bedroom and slammed the door. Both flinching at the loud noise, they hadn't thought it wise to follow.

She hadn't come out since.

John and Halle had sat at the table in complete shock for a while before he stood up without a word to pack. Regardless of the situation, he had to get more food. He hadn't spoken since the argument.

What was there to say?

He had no idea how to care for a blind child. How would they protect her from danger? They would have to always remain together – how could they communicate if she couldn't see?

He was so terrified at this new responsibility he could hardly think rationally. And, although he could barely admit it to himself and would never admit it to Halle, he was angry.

Angry at the universe, angry at the apocalypse, angry at the responsibilities that he now shouldered. Angry that he now had to care for two children who weren't his and that one was handicapped. All this while his own daughter was gone. Angry he had no idea what he was doing and beyond angry he couldn't have left the planet like the rich.

That about summed it up. With a huff, he slammed the rest of his weapons in his bag and turned to his companion.

"I have no clue Halle." Her name still felt weird on his tongue, "No fucking clue." He hoisted the bag onto his shoulders and headed to the door.

Behind him, he heard her hobbling to keep up. Reaching the door he turned around, his hand resting on the knob.

They stared at each other in silence. Their eyes scanning each other in mute communication. She was pale, her anxiety and fear clear in the expression she wore.

Taking his hand off the door, he used it to brush the hair out of her face. Resting both hands on her shoulders, he peered in her eyes. Her hands rose to brace his forearms and she met his gaze.

Although the sudden act of tenderness between them was unexpected, in that moment, there was an unspoken agreement that was formed. They would do this together. Neither knew how but they both knew they could rely on each other. Like the day they had met at the river, they silently understood one another and agreed. With a weary smile, he kissed her forehead, the touch of her skin searing his lips. Her eyes shuttered close and she sighed.

"Tell the girls I'll be back soon. If I don't come back, you know the drill."

As she nodded, he turned and opened the door. The empty hallway beckoned him as he left their newfound safe haven.

He straightened his shoulders and left the apartment.


Alone on the street, he felt significantly more exposed than he had in a while. He had gotten so used to Halle always having his back that he felt naked without her presence. It was an adjustment to find himself without backup. His knife in one hand, ears primed for any noise, he set off into the city.

Leaving the apartment, rubble and ruin greeted him. Nothing had changed since they had last been out. The streets still eerily quiet, he had naught but his own thoughts to keep him company. While walking, he had been going through all the events of the past twenty-four hours, still in disbelief at what they had gone through. Although he didn't anticipate the events that had transpired, he couldn't say he was surprised. That was just how it was now – you had to roll with the punches. This said, he couldn't help but feel like it had been an eternity since he had first laid eyes on the ruins of the city.

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