seb - chapter 28

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A/N: shitty chapter. wrote it at midnight im so sorryyyy rip.. lmk if you want me to rewrite this one/write it in mikes pov!! the next chapter is sm better TRUST!

it had been about a week since he'd moved back to skibidi. his friends welcomed his with dab-ups and back pats, his mom with a massive, teary eyed hug. Despite how quickly he'd gone back to his normal teenage life (+ a few wolf form runs to clear his head) he couldn't get his mind off one beta. one homicidal beta that for some, weird reason, he wanted to smooch.

"yo, seb, come back to earth man!" some follower called, waving his hand in front of sebs eyes. seb fought back his alpha urge to slit this guys throat and simply shot him an angry look. "let me be, peasant." the follower just rolled his eyes and started yapping with another kid at their lunch table. he stares off into the distance, looking around in hope of his wolf friend to somehow appear and hug him and run off into the woods with him like the first time he'd turned.

seb reminded himself that he literally
killed someone, but sebs stupid brain couldn't help but defend him, so to shut down his brain, he takens his food tray, slams it in the trash and basically teleports outside, running out into the forest. he turns into his alpha shape and runs for as long as he can. eventually it gets dark and he curls up beside a tree and falls asleep.

seb wakes up to a loud, growling sound coming from above him. he blinks, waiting for his vision to come into focus when he sees no other than the might, mega alpha, Joe Gyatt. seb shivers and tries to escape when joe picks him up by his shirt, pinning him against the tree. "you think you can run away from me and try to hog your alpha powers for yourself? to death with you, sebastian!"

seb whimpers, scared for his life, thinking of seb as the alpha raises his mighty claw when suddenly the might alphas head is torn off, blood spraying everywhere, its head rolling on the ground. seb nearly cries when he sees mike standing there, covered in his dads blood!

he tackles the boy to the floor, holding him tight, inching his face closer before pressing his lips against his. mike lips were salty from tears. "i missed you, you baka!" mike chokes out, wiping his tears.

the boys stay there, tangled together for a while, ignoring the female wolves behind them, giving them some time to reunite. the boys share a few more kisses before pulling each other to their feet, linking hands and heading back towards their homes.

seb walks up to his door, hand on the knob when he turns around and says: "hey, mike?"


"wanna stay tonight? i mean- i know you'll prolly stay at callums but- just- its been a while since we've seen each other and- well- if you wanted company is all im saying." he stutters, blush creeping up the nape of his neck.

"i'd love that, seb." mike says, walking in the door with seb.

seb is awoken by screaming coming from the boy on the floor. "SEB!! NOOOO!! i couldve saved you! no!!!"
seb jumps down on the floor, giving mike a shake awake.

sweat beads on mikes upper lip and forehead, fast, shaky breaths expelling from his mouth, tears staining his cheeks, yet seb still thought him beautiful.
"i'm okay, its okay. i'm here mike!" he says, engulfing the boy in a hug.

mike sobs in his shoulder a bit before they both crawl into sebs bed and draw figurines on each others chests until they fall asleep

AN: sorry this ep is so rushed and lowkey sucks and is late :/ i write these at midnight and im soo tired and have no funny ideas. will be updating more often tho!!

TIKTOK RIZZ PARTY ! bluedingle / quandaleader - a tiktok rizz love storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن