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"No!" Someone yelled loudly behind me. Jaron. I quickly turned around. I saw him, he looked fine other than a scratch on his arm and a horrified look on his face. I turned again to see what he was looking at. My eyes widened, almost equally horrified. Imogen was on the ground, sword through her. A soldier grinning with a crazed look in his eyes stood above her, holding the sword. Jaron started to run for him, but a bunch of soldiers jumped at him. I ran to help him but he screamed at me to get the soldier by Imogen. I heard the tears and pain in his voice.

I reluctantly turned away from him and ran at the soldier standing with the sword in Imogen. He pulled the sword out and readied to attack me. I could tell by his stance and the way he held a sword he wasn't a very good swordsman. I quickly got him on the ground with his sword far behind me. I had my sword to his neck as I heard Jaron run up behind me. He shoved me, I almost fell but caught myself.

When I got balanced and looked at Jaron my eyes widened. He was continuously slashing the soldier. The soldier was long dead, I tried to say his name but he either didn't hear me or was too angry to stop. His face was wet with tears, he was crying. You don't see Jaron cry a lot. I finally looked at Imogen.

She was dead. Jaron knew that, I thought she could be alive. Finally Jaron fell to the ground, he screamed. The pain in his scream made me quickly fall beside him to pull him into an embrace. He sobbed. My heart hurt. I don't know why, Jaron was the one that's heart had just shattered. His wife, his love, had just died.

I heard footsteps running toward us, I opened my eyes and quickly stuck out my sword. Another soldier ran at us. He fell to the ground.

"Jaron. You have to get up, it's not safe in the middle." I whispered to him. He hugged tighter, he couldn't get up. I pulled him up as I stood. I called for Tobias. Jaron couldn't fight like this.

I scanned for Tobias and finally found him, holding a sword, wrong, while being cornered. I looked around for one of my soldiers and sent him over to help Tobias. I then tried to make Jaron walk toward Tobias. My soldier quickly helped Tobias, I screamed his name, he turned and eyes widened. He ran to me.

"What happened!?" He yelled, seeing Jaron crying and looking horrible. "Imogen...." I mumbled, pointing behind us at her body. His eyes widened, the same expression as I had had a few moments ago. "He can't fight. You need to get him away from the fight." I said. He nodded. "Jaron go with Tobias." I whispered to him in a soft tone. He slowly pulled away from hugging me.

Another pain went to my heart. I gave him another hug. A quick one. "Get him away. Somewhere safe, don't leave him." I said as I turned around to join back into the fight.


I guided Jaron away from the fighting, toward one of our soldier camps, Amarinda was there. I didn't say much, the image of Imogen in my mind still. And Roden. I don't know why but he seemed way off. I mean Imogen had just died, but he was never close with her, and he's acting weird even if he was sad over that. Jaron was slow to walk, he looked defeated.

"Tobias?" I heard Amarinda say as I looked up, she came running to us. I gave her an embrace and kissed her cheek. "Jaron," She said as she saw how he looked, she looked at me for answers. "I'll explain in a minute, Roden said to get him somewhere safe, so he needs to be in a tent somewhere that's guarded." She nodded and guided him to one, spoke with a few soldiers and returned to me.

"Imogen. She's gone." I said quietly, not quite believing the words. Amarinda cried softly, I pulled her into a hug. Her and Imogen were very close.


I ran to the camp where I knew Tobias had taken Jaron. "Where is he?" I asked quickly, out of breath. Tobias pointed to a tent and tried to say something but I ran for the tent before letting him finish. I pushed past one of the soldiers guarding the tent and went in.

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