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It had been a few months, Jaron had barely left his room. He only did it for very important meetings. But he skipped almost all his other ones. He didn't talk at all. Unless he was at a meeting. He didn't talk to Darius, Mott, Tobias, Amarininda, Harlowe, or Fink. He'd spoken to me a few times. But other than that it was meeting and Errol.

I knocked on his door. He opened it a bit to see who it was, he opened it fully when he saw it was me. "What?" He asked, I didn't typically come to his room randomly. "Can I come in?" I asked, he nodded and shut the door behind me.

"Hey," I said, sitting down, he walked over and sat next to me. "Hi." He said. "How you doing?" I asked. "I miss her." He said as he looked down. "I'm sorry I didn't protect her, I didn't even know she came to the fight." I apologized, I'd done it over and over the past few months. "It wasn't your fault. I didn't know she was out there. I left her here." He said he'd said that everytime I apologized.

"Fink is going crazy." I laughed slightly. Jaron laughed as well. "I should probably talk to them soon. All of them." He breathed out. I nodded. "We all miss you." I added. "You? I've been talking to you," he laughed. "Not as much," I smiled.

"Do me a favor?" He asked, laying his head on my shoulder. "Anything." I said. He laughed but continued, "Will you ask Cook to set up a meal tonight, for us?" He asked. I looked at us confused. "Us?" I said. "Yeah, I need to talk to Fink and them, I miss them." Oh, he meant all of us, not just me and him. I nodded. "Yes, and is that you saying you want me to leave?" I laughed.

He rolled his eyes. "No, well actually, I'm about to take a nap, so unless you're joining me then I prefer you leave." He teased. I smiled, but reluctantly got up. "I suppose I'll leave" I smiled as I left.

After I left his room I made my way to the kitchen. "Hello Roden." The cook said as I entered the kitchen. "Hi, I have a request from Jaron." I said, that got her attention. "He wants to have a meal with me, Fink, Darius, and them for tonight." She smiled. "We'll get started on that." She said. "Oh, can you make sure you make a bit extra, Jaron hasn't been eating properly." I added, she smiled and nodded. "You two seem to have gotten closer?" She asked, I nodded.

She smiled again. "Okay, I'll send a servant when it's ready." She said. I nodded again, "Thank you" I smiled and turned around to go back to Jaron's room.

On my way to his room I got stopped by Tobias and Fink. Well Fink, Tobias was trying to stop him. "Is he okay? Did he say when I could talk to him? Why is he only talking to you?" Fink whined. Tobias rolled his eyes, he probably had to Fink to not do this.

"Yes he's okay, you'll talk to him tonight at a dinner he's planned for all of us," I answered, laughing slightly. "All of us?" Tobias asked. "You, me, Fink, Amarinda, Mott, Harlowe, and Darius." I answered. Him and Fink both smiled. "Can I see him now? I don't want to wait," Fink continued whining.

"You'll see him tonight," Tobias groaned. "I could ask him if you could come to his room with me?" I offered. Fink's face lit up and already started to walk to Jaron's room. I laughed and turned to Tobias. "I'll wait until tonight, it's probably best to." He smiled, I nodded and gave him a hug. Though it had to be a quick hug because Fink was yelling for me to hurry. I rolled my eyes but said goodbye to Tobias.

Even after I ran to get to Fink he had started knocking on the door before I got there. "He might be asleep, and we don't know if he wants to see you yet," I said to him as I finally got to him. He crossed his arms but backed up so when Jaron opened the door he was out of view.

"Hello?" He said sleepily as he opened the door. "Did I wake you from your nap?" I laughed and asked. "Kinda," he smiled and opened the door the rest of the way. "Cook started the meal, a servant will come to tell you when it's finished." I explained, he nodded. I glanced to the side where Fink was looking at me with a pleading look.

I laughed again. Jaron looked at me confused. "Do you want to see Fink earlier than tonight? He's kinda begging me to let him see you, but I had to ask you first because I didn't want to just make you see him if you weren't ready." I explained. He laughed, "Fink came here." He held his arms out and Fink ran from hiding and gave him a hug.

Fink started crying. They hugged for like a solid five minutes before Jaron had to wiggle out of the hug. "Wanna talk?" Jaron asked him. Fink nodded. Fink then looked over at me. "You can stay if you want," Jaron said to me. I glanced at Fink to see if he cared, he didn't seem to so I said yes.

As they talked I mostly sat at Jaron's desk, partially listening, partially messing with his stuff. Though when Fink asked, "How come you've only been speaking with Roden?" I looked up. I didn't know either, I wasn't complaining but I was curious. I looked at Jaron. "Oh, uh" He glanced at me. "I'm not sure, he was the only one there when," He paused and took a deep breath. "He helped me get away, he's seen me at my worst. It would be horrible to not talk to him." He mumbled.

"I should've been there," Fink complained as he crossed his arms. "I don't think you would've been able to drag/make me walk all the way to Tobias?" Jaron mentioned. "We didn't get very far, you weren't a very good cryer and walker" I said.

"Oh, Fink," Jaron said. Fink looked at him. "Can you go tell everyone about the dinner, I was going to have Roden do it," he glanced at me. "But I changed my mind." He said, what did that mean?"

Fink groaned but reluctantly got up. "Shut the door behind you," Jaron said. After Fink left I looked at Jaron. He yawned. "I'm tired," he flopped back on his bed. "You should probably sleep a bit before the dinner." I told him. He nodded. "I'll go," I said as I realized he started to try and go to sleep.

"You can stay, if you want," he mumbled. "And do what?" I laughed, but sat down, I probably wasn't leaving. "I don't know, take a nap too?" He mumbled again. I would've asked him where but he seemed about asleep already. I decided to lay my head on my arms on his desk. I fell asleep quicker than I thought I would.

I woke up to knocking at Jaron's door. I yawned and glanced at Jaron. He was asleep. I got up and yawned again. I opened the door to see Errol. "Oh, um, the dinner is ready, Jaron should start to get ready." He said he must've been surprised that I opened the door instead of Jaron.

"Oh, alright, are you helping him or?" I asked, i didn't know if Errol still helped Jaron get ready and stuff. "No he does it himself now, could you wake him up and tell him?" He asked, I wondered why he didn't ask me to leave so he could. "Um, yeah sure." I said, and with that he walked away. I shut the door and turned to wake up Jaron.

"Jaron," I said softly, he groaned but didn't wake up. I shook him slightly. "What?" He mumbled quietly. "The dinner is ready, you have to get ready," I shook him again. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. He grabbed my hands to make me stop shaking him.

"You have to get ready too" he mumbled, sitting up, still holding my hands. "I thought I was ready?" I said, I bathed earlier and hadn't done much today. He hadn't bathed in a while and had the same clothes on as yesterday.

He looked up to look at me, "oh yeah," he yawned and let go of my hands. He stood and searched his drawers for clothes. He then went to the bathroom and shut the door. I sat on his bed, I guess I'd wait and walk down with him.


I yawned again as I walked back into my room, drying my hair with a towel still. Roden was sitting waiting on my bed. "I'd thought you'd get bored and leave," I laughed as I sat next to him. "I thought you wanted to walk to the dinner together? I didn't know you wanted me gone?" He joked. I laughed. "No, we can walk together. I'm ready now," I said, holding out my hand.

He glanced at it but grabbed it and stood. We walked out, I hadn't been to the dining room in a while, much less seen any of my servants and people in the castle we passed in a while.

They whispered about me, what kind of king hides in his room for months? I waved to some and bowed to others. Some smiled when they saw me, and bowed as well. I paused before Roden opened the dining door. He paused and waited, I looked at him, I smiled and pushed open the door. 


Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if the characters don't act like that did in the books 😅

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⏰ Última atualização: May 10 ⏰

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