Year 3- Chapter 24: The Hunt. Suzune Vs Ichika!

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: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

The final day arrives and all the students are gathered together.

Mashima: Tomorrow is the last day of the mixed training camp and also the day of the Treasure Hunt. Do your best.

Everyone goes to sleep in preparation for the next day.


Suzune POV

Suzune wakes up her group at 5:00 am.

Matsushita: I'm up. I'm up.

Morishita: You're so strict Horikita-San. You're like my mom.

Suzune glares at her as Morishita sits up quickly and neatly.

Suzune: Alright. Eat food and get ready for the treasure hunt. The best to all of you.

Suzune finds Kiyotaka in the cafeteria.

Kiyotaka: The hunt officially starts at 6:00 am. I hope you got good sleep.

Suzune: I was asleep by 9:00 pm so I'm fully rested.

Kiyotaka: I bet you woke up at 4:30 and just didn't want to get out of bed.

Suzune blushes.

Kiyotaka: Right on the money huh?

Suzune punches him in the shoulder.

Suzune: You... why do you always enjoy teasing me like this?

Kiyotaka smirks.

Kiyotaka: Your face is really cute when you're embarrassed.

Suzune glares at him.

Suzune: What if my reaction is this from now on?

Kiyotaka: You better not or I might just have my way with you.

Suzune goes beet red.

Suzune: You perv.

Kiyotaka: Bot my fault your body is so alluring.

Kiyotaka then notices Chiori behind him.

Chiori: I misjudged you Oni-Chan. It seems you're a pervert like most boys.

Kiyotaka- And I'd formed such a good relationship with her. I blew it.

Chiori sets down her plate next to Suzune.

Chiori: You're facing off against Koenji-Senpai right?

Kiyotaka: Yeah. You?

Chiori: Matsushita-Senpai.

Kiyotaka- Yeah the result is already decided.

Kiyotaka: Chiori. You've got this.

Chiori smirks.

Chiori: Of course I do.

Suzune: Um Chiori. that earlier comment.

Chiori: It's none of my concern what you and my brother do in your own time.

Chiori clearly didn't want any details on the matter.

Chiori finishes eating and leaves.

Kiyotaka: Uoure going against Amasawa. Be careful.

Suzune- This event will likely devolve into violence.

Kiyotaka: That's true. It's likely there will be. Some of them will follow their opponent to the treasure spot and steal it from them.

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