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" I wish I was a bird, then I could fly in the sky and we might find Sophia," confessed Finnick whose mother was holding onto his hand, her grip firm and unfaltering, she didn't want to let him go again, those few hours Finnick was missing, were t...

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" I wish I was a bird, then I could fly in the sky and we might find Sophia," confessed Finnick whose mother was holding onto his hand, her grip firm and unfaltering, she didn't want to let him go again, those few hours Finnick was missing, were the worst she had ever experienced.

" That would be good huh," muttered Aurora as she looked ahead to Carol, the skinny and frail woman who looked unalive, as though she was having an out-of-body experience, and who knows, maybe she was, maybe the part of her that was missing was Sophia.

after learning Sophia was still missing, the group went out to find her, retracing the steps Finn had taken the night before, they came across a tent with the hope that Sophia was hiding in it, only to find disappointment when they searched it, they were now sitting out the front of an abandoned church after they had followed the sounds of the bells, to once again, find disappointment.

" what kind of bird would you be?" asked Finnick, as he made a flower chain with his mother, he had noticed his mother's lack of chatter, which for Aurora, is a concerning matter.

" some sort of songbird," she said, for when she was younger and she would lay in her bed, she could hear the chirps and singing of the birds, it brought her a sense of safety and comfort

"I'd be an eagle, they're cool," stated Finnick, Rory looked down at her son and smiled

"yeah Finn, they are cool," she confessed, knowing what her son was up to, he often did this, whenever Aurora was upset, Finnick would ask her silly little questions to get her talking, and just like now, it always worked.

" Aurora, can I speak with you?" said the man she had been avoiding, Rory looked up to see him staring straight at her, her immediate response was going to be, 'No way dumbo, fuck off,' but as she watched Finns smile grow wider at the sight of the man, she decided on another, less comfortable option.

"Okay," she said getting up, "go find Carl yeah?" she said to Finnick, placing a kiss on his cheek as he ran off, not before hugging Shane.

"Rory look, we need to talk about what happened, there was a miscommunication," he stated, confidently, Rory frowned.

" Miscommunication?!" she yelled, her eyes as wide as saucers as she death-stared him, "Shane a miscommunication is when you say go left when you're really meant to go right, what you did- what you tried to do, was no miscommunication!" she yelled at him, shoving his chest as she tried to get closer to her

"What did I try to do Aurora?" he said, his voice cold and questioning, he seemed genuinely confused, and her mouth that was sending snarls shanes way, fell into a thin line as she looked into his eyes, the same eyes that raised her as a young girl, 'what did he try to do? this was Shane after all, her uncle Shane, did she misunderstand the situation?

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