The Island

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Being stuck in a prison cell sucked. At least they gave me one of those red rubber balls to throw at the wall. Considering nobody came down here to talk to me, it was my only form of entertainment. There were times when the zombies would run past me to the upper decks. How they could run, I had no clue. I would try to get some answers as to what was happening but I was ignored every time. There weren't any windows for me to see the outside world so I was stuck in the dark both metaphorically and literally.

The ship shook and I fell to the hard bed. More soldiers ran by my room as a more violent shake came. I got unsteadily to my feet and gripped the bars of the cage.

"Cass!" footsteps ran down the hallway and Percy appeared in front of my cell with Annabeth and Tyson, "We need your help!"

"I assume it has something to do with what's going on outside but as you can see, I'm kind of stuck at the moment," I gestured around me, "I'm guessing that Clarisse didn't give you the keys to let me out?"

"No, unfortunately not. But hopefully what we need you to do can be done down here," Annabeth said quickly, "We need you to steady the seas. Charybdis has created a whirlpool and we've been sucked into it."

"Hold up! You mean to tell me that Clarisse drove us towards Charybdis? Is she trying to kill us?" I asked.

"That remains to be seen," Percy said.

"Wait... Tyson is stronger than the rest of us. Can you get the door?" Annabeth asked. The Cyclops nodded and ripped it off its hinges. Luckily I had stopped gripping the bars at that point or else I would've lost my arms.

The four of us ran to the upper deck to find complete chaos. Clarisse was barking orders but no matter what was done, everything seemed to be falling apart. I was somehow able to get to the railing where I was able to get my balance. Percy stumbled next to me. We made eye contact and nodded in agreement before concentrating on the sea. The water began to slow a little. The shaking began to lessen.

"What do you think you're doing?" Clarisse grabbed my shoulder and tore away my concentration. With the full weight of the whirlpool suddenly on him, Percy lost control and the ship let out another powerful shudder.

"Clarisse, let her go!" Annabeth shoved her.

"Cass is a prisoner! No matter the situation, she should not be let out!" Clarisse growled.

"Face it Toilet Water, you need all of the help you can get," I crossed my arms, "I don't care how much you trust me. You're facing sea life and Percy is still learning how to use his powers. I'm your best option."

Clarisse was glaring when I'd mentioned how Percy had humiliated her last summer. She was fuming by the time I was done talking. If I hadn't already beem glared at by Ares, I might've been a little intimidated. But I've known Clarisse for some time. Her bark was often worse than her bite.

"Cass is right and you know it Clarisse," Annabeth added, her grey eyes concentrated on the daughter of Ares.

I could see on Clarisse's face that she didn't want to believe Annabeth but we all knew she was right. She let out a heavy sigh, "Fine, but don't think this means you're off the hook."

"I wouldn't think so," I went back to try to calm the seas but it was too late. The ship shook even worse and I went flying across the deck.

"We need a backup plan!" Annabeth called out, "This isn't working!"

"Annabeth is right. Engine is no good," Tyson agreed.

As if on cue, the whole ship shook violently. Since I was still stuck on the ground, I just glided around like I was stuck on a Slip N' Slide. When it finally stopped, a soldier came out with a smoking uniform, "Boiler room is overheating ma'am! She's going to blow!"

Tidal Wave (Luke Castellan)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα