Chapter 4: let's play

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Author note: To thoses who haven't already guessed the pairing for this story is Hisoka x Naruko with a one- sided Sasuke x Naruko.

" Might I interest you in a game?"

Naruko opened her blue eyes and cast a glance at the red haired jester. He was idly shuffling a deck of cards with his long , pale fingers and met her gaze with a smile, eyes becoming upside down  curves.

" Why?" She questioned with a curious tilt of her head.

The man shrugged, " Why not? Consider it as a way to pass time. "

Hisoka met her wary gaze with a grin. "Unless you're scared of course." He chuckled, releasing more of his sinster aura.

Naruko scoffed and brushing off his threatening presence moved to sit closer.

" I don't scare easily, Mr..."


" Naruko. "

" Well then Naruko, why dont you indulge me,mmm?" Purred hisoka,  leaning forward.

She shrugged,  " Fine but be prepared to lose."

Hisoka grinned widely,  cat-like eyes gleaming with suppressed glee.

" Very well then, let's play."
(Two hours later.)

Damnit , I don't know how he's doing it but I know he's cheating! Naruko thought as she was once again beaten by said clown.

Naruko glared heatedly at Hisoka who found her ire amusing. However before either of them could react, the first exaimer appeared.

Naruko sweat dropped as she took in the guys appearence. And I thought Gai and Lee were strange..

"The time for the reception is over. The exam can begin,"  the odd man with even stranger mustache announced. The first section exam was relatively simple; just follow the man to the second examination's venue.

Argh this is like the stupid Chunin exam all over again.

Naruko glanced at hisoka. " See you at the end?"

Hisoka grinned. " Mmm of course."

And with that they both took off in a blur of speed. Naruko took it relatively slow- read low chunin pace- as she looped along, passing a numerous amount of participants.  It wasn't until she heard a confrontation near the rear of the pack that she slowed curious.

A man in a suit was arguing with a silver haired kid that was riding a skateboard while a blonde teen and a small boy with spiked up hair looked on.

"Hey kid, that's not allowed!" Yelled Lerio as he jogged beside the youth.

" Heh shows what you know geezer, we just have to follow him, he never said how" Killua mocked.

Lerio's face purpled in anger and Naruko decided to intervene.

" His right you know, all the exaimer said was to follow him, the only rule being not to fall behind." She stated as she appereared next to them, startling the group.

"Oi who the hell are you blonde?!" Yelled Lerio.

" Hey aren't ypu the girl who was with that creepy clown number 44?" Asked  Kurapika.

Naruko cast a amused look at the  group . " Names Naruko and the clown isn't so bad. Bastard cheats in cards." Naruko pouted with a huff.

" Hey I'm Gon,nice to meet you! " piped the spikey haired boy.

Naruko smiled in greeting. Killua sighed and with a flick , tucked his board under his arm and joined the group.

Hours passed by quickly as many candidates had fallen behind, and the marathon line became ragged as people were running at different pace. Naruko, Killua and Gon seemed to not lose any breath at all.
Their little group had started to separate a while back as the three  were able to follow closely behind the examiner. In contrast, Lerio and Kurapika was slacking off somewhere behind.

"This is boring…" Naruko said, yawning. The sage could run for hours on end and at a lot faster speed than this without breaking a sweat.

"I heard it was something extremely hard, and I thought it sounded interesting," Killua told Gon since the boy had asked why Killua wanted to become a Hunter.

" Ano, Naruko-san why did you take the exam?" Questioned Gon with big brown eyes.

" To  find my past."

Naruto sighed; this test was incredibly disappointing. It was too easy for someone of her ablities  and shee believed Killua thought the same too. Gon, on other hand, was always cheerful.

"Want to see who get there first?" Naruko suggested a way to spice up the test as Killua and Gon nodded.

"Okay, on three… later!" Naruko said, putting up three of his fingers before dashing up the staircase.

"You cheated!" Killua and Gon shouted as both chased after the blonde who was running upside down on the ceiling of the underground tunnel to  increase the difficulty of the test.

When she passed Hisoka she grinned and tossed him a wink .  His suprised face made her laugh as she easily passed the exaimer. Maybe this test wasnt so bad after all.

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