Mysterious children ( Prologue)

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Kirara was wandering an empty gas station, when she heard movement from the other side of the aisle.
Kirara slowly pulled out her pocket knife, and quietly made her way to the other aisle.
When she turned the corner, she shined her light on two small children, almost basically identical.
This caught her off guard, she was expecting a walker, Not two children.
She took a closer look at the kids and realized the older one had an eyepatch and a few bandages. The kids just stared at her.
The younger one clug to the elders arm, taking a step back when kirara started to approach.
Kirara stopped, and finally spoke "what are you kids doing here?" How were they even alive?
The eldest spoke "no.. no. what are YOU doing here. This is our gas station."
Kirara was a bit taken back, Their gas station? "It's not safe here.."
"Yes it is!" The younger one cried.

"Shhh!" Kirara took a peek outside "Not too loud."
The eldest spoke "Why are you here?"
Kirara looked at the kid. "I'm here for supplies?
The eldest stared at Kirara for a moment. "Well this stuff is ours so shoo.. go back to your group, or.. Whatever."

Kirara couldn't bring herself to leave these kids alone to die. "Why don't you come back with me?"
The two kids stared at her, and the younger one took a step towards Kirara "You'd take us back with you?"
The eldest grabbed the younger one's shoulder, and the younger one gave her sister a pleading look.
"Yea.. We have a nice camp just south of this town, I'm sure you'd like it—" the eldest cut kirara off.
"How do we know this isn't a trick?" The girl crossed her arms
Kirara spoke gently "It's not a trick.. We have two other kids around your age.. We can keep you safe."

The younger girl looked at her sister, and her sister sighed, "I will haunt you for the rest of eternity if we die at your hands."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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