Getting comfortble

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I walked into the room id be staying in while i was at college. It was mediocre but still comfortable. It had two lofted beds, two nightstands, and two desks along with two dressers. The room was split down the middle and it seemed like it was the first one there. I kept thinking about who my roommate might be, what kind of person they would be.

I brushed the thought off for now and decided to unpack on the left side of the room. I put my clothes in the drawers, and put up a few of my posters in had brought. I didn't bring much since I knew i would end up with a bunch of crap.

Soon enough i got bored and decided to play some games on my laptop. Soon enough i heard the door opening slowly. A tallish guy with brown hair kinda cut into a mullet walked in. He had on a plain white t shirt and blue shorts that went to his knees. He was decent looking but probably not the most popular guy ever.

He glanced at me and smiled awkwardly before waving at me. I smiled back and gave him a half wave before minding my own business and letting him get settled in.


Why did this stupid place have to be so confusing.. i walked around the place where all the dorms were and searched for my room. Eventually i found the room and opened the door quietly. I stepped inside and spotted another guy, he was tall and had short dark almost black hair. He had one brown eye and one blue eye which was pretty cool, he also had a pair of plain round glasses. He had on what seemed to be a plain brown button up and a colour full vest on top. He had on dark blue jeans that had a few random patches.

I waved slightly and probably looked really awkward when i smiled. I walked over to the right side of the room and set my bag on the bed before opening it and putting some of my clothes away. I didn't really bring anything besides clothes, three of my favorite books, my laptop, my phone, my headphones, and of course all the chargers I needed. I was just going to buy things like toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and ect here in town.

I wanted to start some kind of conversation but was to scared to. But eventually i took a deep breath and decided to ask some simple questions.

"So.. uh.. whats your name?" I siad this a bit awkwardly but tried to seem cool-

"My names Augustus but u can call me Gus if you like." Gus said that calmly and continued doing something on his laptop.

I nodded and continued sorting and putting my clothes away neatly.

"What are you majoring in?" Gus siad this while closing his laptop and setting it to the side.

"Oh.. I'm majoring in engineering, what about you?" I said this calmly and sat on my bed facing towards Gus.

"Im majoring in art." He said this and smiled slightly before leaning back against the wall beside his bed.

"Oh that sounds awesome!" I said this excitedly and leaned forward, almost falling off my bed before catching myself.

"Yeah, yours sounds pretty awesome too." Gus said this and smiled at me, i realized i was blushing but brushed it off and smiled at him.

(Two hours later now 7:46pm)

I walked around the food court looking for Luz and Willow, i soon spotted them and quickly headed over to sit with them. We talked for a bit and they both ranted about their classes and things. Willow got lucky and had a dorm to herself but Luz had a roommate named amity. I talked about Matt briefly but mostly ranted about my classes.

"Crap, i have to head to my next class, I'll text y'all later!" Luz said this and quickly got up grabbing her bag and walking off. Me and willow talked for a bit before i she had to head to something at the library.

I walked back to my dorm since i had no classes for the rest of the day. I opened the door quietly, and spotted Matt fast asleep with a book open next to him. I closed the door behind me and walked over to quickly change into sweatpants and a tank top.

I got in bed and sighed before just scrolling on my phone for a while. I occasionally glanced at matt to see if he was still sleeping. He moved around a little and eventually was rolled over so his back faced me.

Soon enough i fell asleep.

(8:30 am)

I woke up to matts alarm and sleepily sat up, matt was up and trying to quickly shut the alarm off.

"Sorry!" Matt siad this softly in a whisper and gave me an apologetic smile.

"don't worry I should probably wake up to anyway." I mumbled this sleepily and sat on the edge of my bed. I stretched slightly and noticed matt kinda stare at me before quickly looking away.

I headed out of the room with clothes, a toothbrush, and a comb. I walked to the bathrooms and got ready, a few other guys in there but not many. I headed back to the room and opened the door walking inside and putting my dirty clothes in a bag.

I glanced at the time and quickly grabbed my bag before heading to my first class.


Hia! I hope u enjoy the story so far and remember to vote if u like it!

The next chapter will probably be longer!!!


(Words 964)

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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And they were roommates (gustholomule)  coming back soon!!!!Where stories live. Discover now