Chapter 21 : Dream of You

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The morning sun casts a golden glow over the cozy dining nook in the kitchen as you and the other princes, minus Heeseung, wrap up breakfast. The fine plates clink together softly as utensils scrape against the porcelain, the atmosphere calm and warm.

When you glance across the table and meet Jake and Sunoo's gazes, the princes glance at each other nervously, their gazes darting back and forth between each other and you. Your gaze is firm and definitive but Sunoo obviously shifts in his seat anxiously while Jake bites harshly at his bottom lip, nearly tainting the smooth skin a vibrant red.

"Another session already?" Jay asks with raised eyebrows, glancing across the table and catching onto your intentions clearly. When you turn to meet his gaze, you're met with a hint of concern not only etched onto his features but also on the features of the younger prince practically draped across him. Jungwon is snuggled deep into the older prince – a common habit he displays after spending the night with Jay, as you were told by Sunoo – and his feline eyes blink at you while a frown weighs the corners of his lips downward.

In contrast to the princes' grim expressions, your eyes shine bright with determination. "Yes, I think I should give the whole self-control training another go," you nod eagerly. "I already made Jake and Sunoo promise me before we sat down for breakfast. Plus, Riki gave me some tips so I'd like to try them out – see if refining my approach helps."

The princes sitting around the table throw the youngest prince incredulous looks, but Riki's head is already ducked, avoiding the others as he stares at his empty plate with a sudden keen infatuation.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, sugarplum?" Sunghoon interjects. His tone is soft and his gaze flickers between you and the other princes. "It's only been a day since your very first enchantment. Maybe you should take another day to rest."

Your expression falters and a pit sits heavy within you, but you push the feeling down and straighten your shoulders. Your resolve is unwavering as you respond calmly, "I appreciate your concern, Hoonie. But I need to keep up with my training. We can't afford to waste any time."

Jay clears his throat, his voice gentle but firm as he speaks. "I agree with Sunghoon, little one," he says. "It might be best to take things slow, especially considering yesterday's events."

"I say this with all the love in my heart, but don't you think that's a bit hypocritical?" your words suddenly cut through the dense air like a sharp knife, your tone laced with frustration. You had never intended to become so heated like this, but you can't help but feel trapped by the princes' words. "All this time, we've been talking about the dangers that are lurking out there and preparing for the worst. That's why I took up self-defense training in the first place. But now, when I want to speed up the training process, suddenly everyone's pulling back."

The princes exchange uneasy glances, realizing the weight of your words. It's true – they have been warning you about the dangers lurking in the town, urging each other to stay vigilant and cautious. Yet now, when you want to take proactive steps to protect yourself, they hesitate.

"I promise we aren't trying to hold you back, beloved," Jungwon is the first to speak up. His tone is amicable as always and his eyes hold nothing but love and warmth. "We're just worried that you might be feeling too pressured and we don't want to overwhelm you. Everything has been happening so quickly considering all you had to endure just leaving your hometown with us a few months ago."

"I know," you sigh, finally collapsing in on your posture. "I apologize for snapping. I've just been feeling an additional wave of stress and anxiety recently," you admit, which the princes find alarming.

"Stress? Do you know what has been causing this stress?" Sunoo asks gingerly, his lips set into a small pout. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"I'm not even too sure where this additional pressure is coming from," you chuckle in faux amusement. "It's like... like I can feel these powerful emotions that don't belong to me."

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