S2 - Ep 1: All For You? Or, All For Me?

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Welcome to "Season 2" of All For Luz – Redux. For all of you old readers, if any of you remember the original "Season 2", which I would be shocked if you had, then you'll recall that it only had ten "episodes." This, however, will have more than ten "episodes." Especially given how much I want to cover in it.

At the minimum, we'll have three full-length arcs, each with five or more parts to them. This is technically the prologue to "Season 2," so it's kind of its own stand-alone story arc in one chapter. Just like how Season 1's first "episode" was. I know a few people weren't happy with how I ended the last "episode" of "Season 1." It's a massive change from the original, but it lets me be more creative with how "Season 2" progresses and develops.

Just to put this out of the way for all of you old readers. Put everything you remember about All For Luz's original "Season 2" into a cupboard somewhere. It is entirely irrelevant to the remake's "Season 2."

With that being said, let's get right into it!

[Opening Song: Bokurano – By: Eve]

[All For You? Or, All For Me?]

"C'mon, step on it!" A loud, rough voice echoed from one of the streets of Gravesfield closest to the town's bank. There was a clear sense of urgency in the tone of the voice, which, given what the voice's originator had been up to made a lot of sense.

The person who had just shouted moments ago was a large man dressed in all black with a ski mask. The man shoved a blue-dyed-haired girl into the back of the car, which had been the escape vehicle for the man. He had a gun in his hand, though notably, it wasn't pointed at the girl. The girl in question was dressed in a white sweater and black jeans with a pair of runners on her feet, her face completely uncovered.

While most people in this situation would be sweating bullets and scared out of their minds, the girl was strangely calm. She was not concerned for her well-being, nor was she at all afraid that the man with the gun would hurt her.

A few seconds later, a far larger man than the previous one, the same one who had shoved the girl into the car, hopped into the driver's seat of the vehicle, which was a black 1997 Ford Sudan. He, much like his accomplice, was dressed in all black with a ski mask. "Then get the fuck in, you dolt!" The other man said, his voice notably more aged than the first man, who narrowed his eyes at the other man.

"I'm already in the car, idiot! So, step on it, fucktard! Before the coppers show up!" The younger of the two robbers shouted back as the girl sighed.

"Both of you are idiots," the girl mumbled as the younger robber scoffed.

"Oh, sure, look who's talking! You're the one who tripped the security system, Jackie!"

"Fuck off, Jake!"

"Both of you be quiet!" The driver growled, stepping on the gas pedal as the car's engine revved. Smoke plummed out of the exhaust, and in a burst of speed, the car took off. Jackie gripped onto the side's pull-down support, as did Jake, who was cackling.

"Fuck yeah! That was probably the most money we've ever made in a day! Fuck Monty's Construction Company! We just made off with $20,000,000!" Jake boasted as the driver glanced in the rearview mirror.

"We haven't made it out of the clear just yet! We've got coppers on our asses!" The driver said as Jake cursed under his breath.

"Already!? Shit! Jackie, it's your turn!"

"On it!" Jackie said, rolling down the window, sticking her head and arm out. Narrowing her auburn eyes, which promptly began to glow green. As soon as that happened, a green aura formed over the centermost squad car in the group of three that was chasing after them, sirens blaring and echoing out in the streets of the usually quiet and sleepy town.

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