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Well, let's get this thing started.


Wait, what?


The heck?


Alright, what the hell?! Let's try this one more time.



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Welp, now that the author is gone for now, let's do this properly

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Welp, now that the author is gone for now, let's do this properly.

My name is Y/N Colomar - hold on, I can't even choose my own name?

Well, that sucks...


I'm 16 years old as we speak, my birthday is on 17th Feb, which is also the author's birthday.

Guess he was too lazy to think of a date.

Well, what else?

Umm... Ooh, likes and dislikes.

Well, I like eating soba and sweets, but not the two together, tried it once, regretted it. Other than that... I like to observe and study any piece of gadget or any piece of tech, actually.

*Le gasp* Like the one I'm currently observing and studying to talk to you guys!

As for dislikes, I'd say... I don't like loud things, I also dislike firewalls! Like, just let me do what I want without any interruptions! I also don't like cussing, so... it's a given that I won't be getting along with a certain Pomeranian.

Also, I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere. I know you guys will like the little reference I just put in there. Hehe.

I also don't like to fight. Yeah, I'm gonna be different from the other creations from this author, who liked to fight. Ooh, except the Demon Slayer fanfic dude. I LOVE HIM! (No homo)

Wait, speaking of, let's see who the ship is for this book.

Hmm... Let's see...

I see. So a reader asked the author for an X Mina Ashido book, so here we are.





I'm gonna be paired with Mina?! I can't even talk to people to begin with! How is this gonna work?!



Well, before the author comes back, let's end this quickly.

My quirk, from what you might've read in the description, makes me able to control any sort of technology.

Yeah, that doesn't really narrow it down, huh?

Well, let's see... I can control any piece of technology in an area of radius of 5 metres from me. I can only control one device at a time, so... That's a disadvantage.

Well, here comes the author, see y'all later.

Alright, back in control.

Hold on, who wrote all this?

... *Sigh* Great.

Well, get over here already.

Hello there.

How much did you read?

Not much. Just the basic stuff. Also, why is an introvert like me getting paired with an extrovert like Mina?! I mean, I get the request made by your reader, but you could've made me a bit more extroverted!

*Awkwardly* Opposites attract, I guess...?

*sigh* Alright, now what?

Now, we put this story on a temporary hold, cuz I already got three books cooking. I'll start writing this one the moment one of those three ends.

Fair enough.

Also, I'll be taking away your memories about this whole interaction.

Huh?! Why?!

For the sake of this book!


No buts.

Can I at least interact with the readers? They're so amazing!


Pretty please?

... Fine.


Now, say goodbye to the readers for now.

Bye guys! Love y'all! Smell ya later!

Is he gone...?

Yeah, I think so. I gotta get some sort of firewall to stop him from reading the story and the future plans.

Well, I'll be taking my leave as well now.

See you guys later,

Till the next time,


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