Entry Log-10

214 10 35

We see Y/N, Kirishima, and Mina, heading back after school.

Kirishima: Man, today was fun. I can't believe we are already on the path to being a hero.

Y/N: Well, the book is just 10 chapters in, so... It's not too quick.

Mina: That's what she said.

Mina snorts as she bumps fists with Y/N.

Kirishima: So, you guys are gonna head to the daycare now, right?

Mina: Nope. I'm gonna first change out of these clothes. They're good, but it would be difficult to work in them around kids. They keep running left and right!

Y/N: Skill issue.

Mina starts to punch Y/N's shoulder.

Mina: *pouting* Not my fault the kids have a liking to you!

Y/N smirks smugly as he shrugs.

Kirishima: I'd join you guys but I gotta head to the gym and then-

???: Hey! Hold on!

The three turn as they see South running up to them. South soon catches up to them, as he looks at them.

South: You guys heading to the station, right?

Y/N: Yeah we are.

South: Mind if I tag along?

Kirishima: *grinning* Absolutely not! The more the manlier!

Mina: Isn't it "the more the merrier"?

Kirishima: I know what I said.

South chuckles.

South: So, where are you guys headed then?

Kirishima: Chiba. You?

South: Tokyo.

Kirishima lets out a long "ooh", as the four continue walking and soon enter the train.

They all sit at their places.

Y/N: Say South... How similar to an Indoraptor can you get? I'm kinda curious and the author is kinda out of ideas as to how he can continue this chapter, so why not a brief explanation?

South: Hmm... I can transform my body partially, but the tail is permanent. 

Y/N nods.

Mina: Wait, what do you mean "partially" transform your body?

South: Well, I can get teeth and scales of an Indoraptor, then I can also get it's feet, and above all, my most proud thing is that for a selective time period, I can practically become seemingly invincible.

Y/N: Uhhh... Isn't that too OP for the book?

South: Think of it this way. Kirishima is able to get tougher the more he inflicts damage on himself, right?

Kirishima: Well, you're right if you sum it up...

South: I got the same thing. The more I get beat up, the stronger and tougher I can get. Till now, I've seemingly reached an extreme toughness that is seemingly impenetrable. So, why not call it invincibility? Puts a bit of uneasiness in your opponents, doesn't it?

Kirishima: That's... Actually smart. Getting to your toughest point possible for a certain time period...

He looks at his hand, as he activates his quirk and it turns rock hard.

Kirishima: I wonder if I can do such a thing someday...

Author: Wink wink.

Y/N: Did you really just SAY "Wink wink"?

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