Episode {12}: The Unexpected Funeral

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Hey Jewels, I've finally decided to get the prequel done for this book, I'm going to start writing the first episode today, the second one on May 11th and the last episode on May 14th. after that, the entire book will be completed and discontinued.
I hope you all have a great week ahead! Love you.
Kaleb said his final goodbye to A Capella, he left the funeral home to head back to headquarters.

A Capella is gone, but never forgotten. Kaleb got in his dad's truck, they drove back in silence.

Back at Heroics, the teens are doing studies on their laptops when Kaleb walked in, nobody had to say anything after he took a seat at his desk.

Vivienne turned around to smile at Kaleb who sent her a small wave, he smiled back, softly.

At least now he can focus on the team instead of A Capella all the time. it's like, every time they would hold hands, or just stare at each other, I would get jealous, I mean, they were best friends.

Just because you lose someone, doesn't mean that nobody else will miss them. we all miss her.

A Capella was the best girl we ever had on our entire team, she had the voice of an angel, just like her mother. I'm really going to miss her too.

After we finished our final studies for the year, I pulled Kaleb aside. "it's hard to lose a loved one, I am so sorry for your loss Kaleb." Kaleb hugs me.

He faced me. "thank you Vivienne." I nod back.

June walked in. she didn't say anything, but she knew that today is a sad day for all of us, even for Kaleb. "Kaiden is here, get ready." is all she said.

She walked away out of the room, when we got changed into our new suits, I led them all out of the classroom in an orderly line to meet Kaiden.

Climbed into the backseat next to Kaleb, Kaiden drove away from the school, we all stayed quiet.

"where are we headed?" Maxine asks Kaiden who kept driving down the main road. "the mall." he tells her. the mall? why there? and why now?

Maxine nods at him. "June says that your last official mission is to fight against robot kids in the mall, think you'll be okay?" Kaiden asks.

I smiled. "we'll be just fine." and Kaiden nods.

Minutes passed by before we reached our final destination, The Rainbow Mall. climbed out of Kaiden's car, we all walked inside to see robot kids destroying stores, everywhere. they are even harming other people, trying to steal their stuff.

"Heroics, assemble!" I yelled out, they all got in a fight stance. the robot children stared at us. they ran toward us but we were ready to fight them.

Kaleb blasted fire at five of them while Emma threw water bombs at two more, Maxine sped away with one while I levitated several robots in the air, just like A Capella used to do with the train before, and the mind flayer, that was fun.

Threw them into more robots behind them, they fell to the ground. my team joined me. the robot kids got recharged then stood up again, angrily.

As we all started to fight them off in the mall, one by one, were thrown off the side railing of the food court. I kicked the last one away from me, it held my leg, so I did a backflip in the air, kicked them in the chest, as they flew off the ground to land down below. landed on my feet, I felt like A Capella in that moment. I remember when she helped me defeat the mind flayer with her vocal range singing, man, I really do miss her singing.

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