Side Story 8: Ayanokoji Chiori Side Story

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: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Chiori was in the solitary confinement room in the WR. There were arm restraints forcing her hands behind her back and a chain attached to her leg and the wall when P. Ayanokoji entered the room.

P. Ayanokoji: It seems from the look on your face that you've given up on escaping. You're truly a disappointment in comparison to your brother. The Masterpiece Of The White Room.

Chiori: Father I... can I leave this room now?

P. Ayanokoji: Of course not.

Chiori: I understand.

Chiori- I hate this man. If I could I would kill him.

Chiori sits there with an empty, defeated look on her face.

P. Ayanokoji: You'll be getting your food soon. Eat up.

P. Ayanokoji leaves the room as a man enters with a plate of grool.

Man: Open up.

Chiori opens her mouth taking a bite of the food.

P. Ayanokoji- Seems she's really stopped resisting.


Months pass as she is only fed twice a day and the same meal as Chiori begins to memorize the man's schedule along with listening to footsteps outside her room. she had memorized the walking habits of over 25 different people and put to mind their schedules as well. 

Chiori- Right around this time. He'll come to feed me and there won't be many people outside.

The man kneels down and attempts to feed her but Chiori bites his hand.

Man: You fucking little shit! Fuck that hurts.

While the man is distracted trying to leave the room Chiori dislocates her shoulders and manages to turn her arms all the way around and begins to choke the man until he passes out.

Man: I... can't... breathe...

Chiori then turns her arms back around relocating them. The guard rushes in to see the man collapsed on the ground.

Guard: What the...?

The guard tries to retrieve the man but Chiori attacks him with the fork stabbing him in the arm as he shouts in pain to which Chiori kicks him in the balls causing the guard to fall towards her as she steals his gun. She then shoots the chain breaking it. Chiori then locks the door and bashes her hand on the doorknob until she's able to dislocate her finger and squeeze her hand out of the restraints. There are people gathering around the door trying to get in.

Man 2: What the fuck. How did she get free!?

Chiori unlocks the door looking at them with a darkness in her eyes they had never seen before causing them to freeze on the spot. They snap out of it and rush her but she beats each of them to a bloody pulp.

Chiori is about to exit the WR when Himekawa stands in her way.

Himekawa: How impressive Chiori-San. You did all this with a malnourished body and a broken hand?

Chiori doesn't speak to him and attempts to move past him.

Himekawa: It's rude to ignore people you know. You should be more polite to your elders.

Himekawa throws a strong kick at her but she dodges and lands 3 consecutive attacks on his chest with her unbroken hand and foot as Himekawa staggers back.

Himekawa: Such strength even despite her condition.

Himekawa charges at her throwing a series of punches but Chiori dodges each attack.

Chiori- Honestly if I take a single hit I'll die on the spot. But I don't really care. I just want to leave. If I die trying then so be it.

Chiori throws a punch that Himekawa catches easily as he pulls her to the side preparing a kick but Chiori hits him in the face with her broken hand as Himekawa is sent into the wall.

Himekawa: But her hand is broken. How can she...

Chiori walks up to him and begins pummeling him but Himekawa quickly breaks free and puns her to the wall choking her.

Himekawa: The truth is that while Tsukishiro and Shiba became assassins for the money I did it because I've always wanted to kill children. Their happy and smug faces as they live their childhood pisses me off. Seeing the children left me with such a sense of joy to see them miserable. But still killing them is way more fun.

Chiori stabs him with the fork she was still carrying in his neck.

Himekawa: I... wait I... urgh.

Himekawa holds his bleeding wound trying to stay alive desperately.

Himekawa: Father. That's good. Beat him instead of me. He's just a bratty secondborn. He was made so I could blame him for all my mistakes. Born to be my punching bag. Wait. It's suddenly getting so cold. I'm losing consciousness.

Chiori opens the door and feels the gust of air on her face. For a second she smiles feeling the wind but her face turns emotionless again.

Chiori- Even though I am capable of all this he still calls me a failure. No, I am no failure. I'll prove to myself by beating that person he called a masterpiece. My brother Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. I'll enter ANHS and defeat him.


End Of Side Story 8


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