The Durselys

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Mr and Mrs Dursley of number 4, Privet Drive were perfectly normal people, thank you

Though they had a secret, and this secret concerned their ten soon to be eleven year old neice, Vivian Potter, who was dumped on their doorstep 10 years ago.

Vivian's mother , Mrs. Potter, was the younger sister of Mrs.Dursley but she hardly ever mentioned her, in fact she pretended she never had a sister. 

Though what makes the Potter's so inferior to the Dursley's was that they were magical, they had magic in their blood and that in the eyes of the Dursley's was an even bigger crime.

Once Mrs.Dursley had caught young Vivian talking to a rabbit ! and it looked like she could understand the rabbit and the rabbit could understand her if the shocked expression on the girls face was something to go by. 

More so Vivian looked nothing like the rest of the Dursley's 

Vivian has always been skinny for her age, she has long wavy dark hair , tanned skin, high cheekbones , almond shaped dark green eyes with specks of gold in them and long legs . 

Though Vivian looked even more skinnier with aunt Petunia's and Dudely's hand me downs

The only thing she liked about her appearance was a scar on her forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt .

Today morning , the Dursley's could be heard discussing in the kitchen about where to send their niece to spend the rest of the day as their is no way they will leave her home alone, they feared she will be up to something 

The reason why the Dursley's were so fearful of leaving Vivian was because weird things keep happening when she is around , like once she had turned the stairs of the house into a water slide .

Another time she had taken away uncle Vernon's voice when he started shouting at her unnecessarily (Vivian was given no meals and was not allowed to leave her cupboard for a long time) and the other time when Dudley and his gang were following her around, much to hers and the others surprise, she was found on the school's roof.

Mrs. Dursley received a very angry mail from Vivian's headmistress saying that Vivian's been climbing school buildings. 

Even though Vivian kept shouting from her cupboard while cradling her broken wrist that it was not her doing, he didn't listen , nobody ever did.  

She made no friends and Dudley made sure of that

Today was Dudley's birthday and the Dursley's decided to take him and his friend Piers Polkiss to the zoo

Piers was the person who held people's arms from the back while Dudley punched them on the face .

He had this huge crush on Vivian ever since she could remember and always flirted with her , despite her rejecting his advances

"Um Aunt Petunia ?" called out Vivian

Aunt Petunia glared at her byt nodded for her to continue

"If it's alright with you, I'll just stay outside the house, in the playground or somewhere, like this you won't have to worry about me blowing up the house" said Vivian

Aunt Petunia seemed to think over this for a moment

"Alright you go but don't be back until evening" said Aunt Petunia

Vivian couldn't believe it but quickly masked her face indifferent and nodded, literally running out of the house . 

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