The Mysterious Man

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In the 16th century, In the village of Starlight haven, Seraphine is the most beautiful girl with golden hair that shone like the sun and eyes as blue as the summer sky. Everyone admired her, and she was kind to everyone she met.

One rainy afternoon, Seraphine was walking home from when she heard a strange noise behind her. She turned around and saw a dark figure lurking in the shadows. Her heart started pounding so crazy with fear, and she felt a knot in her stomach.

Before she could run away, the figure stepped out into the open. He was tall and cloaked in darkness, and Seraphine couldn't see his face. She was scared to move, unsure of what to do.And the tall figure reached Seraphine to kill her.

But then, a voice called out from the trees. "Hey! Leave her alone!"

A man stepped out of the darkness, dressed in trousers, heavy boots, and a tunic of drab greenish gray, he was tall and broad of shoulder.His cloak hid the entirety of his face except the eyes and the scar on the left eyebrow.

The figure who had been following her turned to face the mysterious man, and Seraphine saw fear flash in his eyes. Without a word, he turned and ran away into the forest.

The man walked over to Seraphine removing his cloak and she could finally see his face. He had dark hair and eyes that sparkled like the stars. Despite his intimidating appearance, there was a kindness and hope in his eyes that put Seraphine at ease.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle.

Seraphine nodded, still feeling shaky from the encounter. "Thank you for saving me," she said softly.

He smiled at her, and Seraphine felt a warm feeling spread through her chest. "It was my pleasure," he said. "I couldn't just stand by and watch someone in danger".

Seraphine felt a connection with this person, even though she didn't know his name or where he had come from. But she was grateful for his help, and she knew she would never forget him.Once again Seraphine thanked him for saving her life.He nodded in response, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. Without another word, he turned and disappeared into the forest, leaving Seraphine alone once more.As she made her way home, Seraphine couldn't stop thinking about the guy who saved her. Who was he, and why had he risked his life to help her? Little did she know, this encounter was just the beginning of a journey that would change her life forever.

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