Ep-17 'this is the only way'

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Xiao xingchen and song lan reached gusu, they talked with lan qiren, lan xichen and lan yi that it is need for wei ying to head back to the clan.

Wei ying, yang yang were about to leave but meng yao decided to go with nie huaisang. Xiao xingchen and song lan didn't stop him because it was own choice but they told him that onces he decided to change clans then he won't be able to come back in sanren clan.

Meng yao didn't mind it, he understood that there is no way to get close to wei ying by staying in the clan nor he can get power. He had made up a plan to have power and get his 'father's' attention towards him.

Wei ying said good bye to meng yao, yang yang didn't care much, he was kinda glad that meng yao was leaving, he never cared about him so it really didn't matter him that much.

Wei ying met everyone before leaving, wei ying and wangji had there talk. Wei ying still remembers all the things he did with wangji, even tho it was just a kiss.

"Um..lan zhan.." said wei ying.

Wei ying was rubbing his neck feeling awkward not knowing how to apologise.

"Mm?" Said lan zhan.

Wangji was looking at him, calming holding the white bunnie with eats up.

"I'm really sorry about kissing you without permission.." said wei ying.

". . ." Wangji didn't respond.

"Um..I know it's something unforgettable but I promise I will repay you someday.. please forgive me..I know I made you uncountable.." said wei ying.

"Didn't." Said lan zhan.

"Huh?-" said wei ying.

Wei ying was looking at lan zhan in confusion. Lan zhan ear was slightly pink.

"I don't understand, your not bad with me for kiss you..?" Asked wei ying.

". . ." Lan zhan didn't respond.

Wei ying smirked and leaned towards lan zhan.

"Did you like it?" Asked wei ying.

"Mm." Said lan zhan.

"Oh, so cute lan zhan!" Said wei ying and started laughing.

". . ." Lan zhan didn't respond but smiled.

"Does his mean that we are a couple now?" Asked wei ying.

"Mm, if wei ying wants." Said lan zhan.

"Ofcourse I want. I love you." Said wei ying and hugged lan zhan.

"Mm..love wei ying too." Said lan zhan.

Soon it was time for wei ying, yang yang and the other disciplines to head back. Wei ying and lan zhan shared a kiss and parted, wei ying promised to write letters to lan zhan.

3 days later, they reached the mountain. Baoshan sanren was coughing blood, wei ying was helping her with the book. She was getting better but she needed rest. Wei ying had had decided that he will go and destroy yin iron.

Xue chonghai planned to put an end to gusu first, he sent wen chao and wen army to destroy the lan clan. They tried to start fire, the gusu was on fire. As they thought. Wei ying had handed some tailsmans to lan yi to put around gusu. He knew that seen he has been here, xue chonghai will sent someone here to create chaos.

Xue chonghai plans were failing one by one. Wei ying not letting him break down any clans. Xue chonghai tried to destroy nie clan and yunmeng clan. For Jin clan because Jin guangshan full of pride and blind over power, he helped xue chonghai with everything he needed.

Wei ying had destroy the other yin iron's, xue chonghai was bloody angry that he wasn't able to catch him yet. He was taking it out wen chao. Wen chao was putted in prison because he failed to do anything.

Things were on balance that's what wei ying thought but until. Wei ying and xue chonghai met in yilling..

Wei ying destroying the one of the last peice that he found. Now wei ying only needed to destroy 3 more that xue chonghai has.

"Finally..this peice is done..now for the last three peice..I need to destroy them soon.." said wei ying.

"Why in such a hurry wei wuxian..?" Asked xue chonghai.

Wei ying turned around in a hurry, wei ying and xue chonghai fought. A battle that may cause a end to one of them.

"Master! Look!" Shouted song lan.

"Oh no..a-ying is fighting with xue chonghai alone..?!" Shouted baoshan sanren.

"We need to go right now, get everyone head to yiling mountain quick!!" Shouted xiao xingchen.

They all got ready and head off to yiling. When they all reached there everything was pech black. No light. Darkness everywhere. Crying of souls. Crows flying in a circle in the sky.

Soon the darkness faded and light started coming up. They all went in looking around, the air seemed like it could kill anyone. Everyone was covering there nose and mouth. It was poisoness to breath in the air right now.

Baoshan sanren had warned them that only with high cultivation skills will head further in. Baoshan sanren, song lan, xiao xingchen went ahead. Yang yang had to stay behind with other disciplines to guard the clan.

Soon they found wei ying, he was bleeding unconscious, baoshan sanren checked him. He was still breathing and the book was still with him.
Baoshan sanren used her cultivation skills and placed her hand on wei ying's head.

She wanted to know what happened here. She closed her eyes and soon she saw images flowing fast. Wei ying and xue chonghai fights, xue chonghai trying to kill wei ying and grabbing the book from wei ying forcefully. Soon the book made a powerful blast the both because of the sudden mix of two powers touching it.

Baoshan opened her eyes and sighed in relief.

"Because of wei ying and xue chonghai touching the book togther, the book must felt a sudden hit of energys togther so it made a blast so xue chonghai would get his hand off this owner." Said baoshan sanren.

The two nodded. That's good the thought. But wei ying is badly injured because of the blast, even the book is healing him still need to lay down.

Wei ying was brought back to the clan, he was cleaned and changed. Wei ying was in deep sleep because of the fighting with xue chonghai. He needed to recover all the cultivation skills he used up against him.

Xue chonghai was being treated by xue yang. Xue chonghai was also asleep because of the blast but it gonna take him about few weeks to get better.

8 days had passed by, wei ying finally woke up. Wei ying looked around to find xiao xingchen and looking at him up and down.

"You are feeling alright now, right?" Asked xiao xingchen.

"I'm fine, just feel a little dissy." Said wei ying getting up from bed.

"I'll tell grandmaster that you have woken up." Said xiao xingchen and left.

Wei ying brings out the book and opens it.

"I need to find a way to seal xue chonghai again..if only the book tells how.." said wei ying.

Soon the book started writing.

"To take life you need to give a life, of you want to seal him you must seal him with yourself.." read wei ying.

"I need to make myself the seal..only then he would be sealed?" Asked wei ying.

"Yes." The book wrote.

"What if he escapes in the future..?" Asked wei ying.

"Then you will come back to end him." The book wrote.

Wei ying thought, 'this is the only way.'
Thankyou for reading
1267 words
See you all soon.

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